EURALO Hybrid GA during ICANN83
Sebastien and Gisella to work on a survey to assess EURALO Members attending in person (non funded)
Gisella to set up wiki spage, book interpretation and send a placeholder for the EURALO Multi Lingual Read out on 01 April 2025
Sebastien requesting additional CROP slot or alternative, NOT use ICANN83 mandatory CROP slot
If not granted, EuroDIG CROP slot to be cancelled
Discretionary Funding
Varzy: Eclairement, E-Seniors, ISOC France
IGF - Networking amount
Joanna already used
Pari requesting format for the newsletter and suggesting bi-monthly
Natalia to send Pari Newsletter format
Pilot Holistic Review
Pari to join small group
GG to work with Sebastien on setting up a vote
ROP - new ROP to be voted. AI GG and Seb
ACTION Ricardo and Yesim - number EU individuals
EU roundtable move from 11 to 18 Feb
RDRS webinar - Natalia applying as moderator
Natalia - create wiki page for topics for the European end users for 2025 round tables - indicate how many round tables in the year … and request topics
AI GG - page on wiki portal for topics (check with Natalia)
Seb: both Avri and Pari topics are interesting
Pari - topics where to be posted?
With changes happening a session to complement core internet values F2F so this could compliment this session.
Topic monthly members as well as EU board members
What we are to expect from the new gtlds
Core Internet values