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Evin Erdogdu:Welcome to the EURALO Monthly Teleconference on Tuesday, 17 October 2017 from 18:00 to 19:00 UTC. 
  Evin Erdogdu:Agenda:
  Danko Jevtović:Halo
  Evin Erdogdu:Hello all, welcome!
  Wale Bakare:Hello all
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome, Wale!
  Wale Bakare:Thanks, Evin
  Danko Jevtović:I sometime have Adobe Connect problems from my Google Chrome browser (on Windows 10), so I switched to Microsoft Edge. It starts Adobe in separate windows, and so far, it was flawless.
  Evin Erdogdu:Thanks for sharing this information, Danko.
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:AC uses flash and that's a problem for some rowsers
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:the latest versions have provisions to bypass flash but not working so well
  Wale Bakare:Absolutely. And flash seems to be unsupported by some browsers
  sandra hoferichter:Sandra
  Danko Jevtović:It is unsupported in the Edge browser, I think it is why it runs well – starting it in a separate process/window
  sandra hoferichter:Sandra was missing because I just joined. hello to all!
  Evin Erdogdu:I got you ;)
  sandra hoferichter:Thanks Evin
  Evin Erdogdu:26 Sept Action Items:
  Evin Erdogdu:Proposed Dates for ICANN Public Meetings 2021–2023:
  Evin Erdogdu:Draft PTI and IANA FY19 Operating Plans and Budgets:
  Evin Erdogdu:ICANN Reserve Fund – Public Comment on Rationale and Target Level:
  Evin Erdogdu:Upcoming Public Comment requests:
  Evin Erdogdu:Yes we can!
  Wale Bakare:$96 million is the expected target level, by the end of June 2018 but the fund has been depledated due the IANA transition 
  Wale Bakare:No statement as yet, i think
  Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you Olivier! Thank you Cristopher!
  Oksana Prykhodko:Yes, Sebastien, thank you! I am asking about European official position on this issue
  Narine Khachatryan:there is a en echo in the adobe room, Wale
  Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you Wale! Could you please send the link to this report?
  Christopher Wilkinson:Very short to produce ALAC opinions before Abu Dhabi.
  Wale Bakare:Hi Oksana, i can send the statement from the Brasil govt
  Sebastien (ALAC):@Oksana:
  Christopher Wilkinson:Do we have a Link to the final Memo of Understanding?
  Heidi Ullrich:Well done! With this signing, all RALOs will have MOUs with their RIRs. 
  Oksana Prykhodko:I am asking about EU position on this issue
  Silvia Vivanco:Signing ceremony will take place on Wednesday NOV 1 at 18_ 19:00 UTC Local time- Media Center room 
  Wale Bakare:I don't think there is any statement as yet but maybe ICANN60 meeting
  Christopher Wilkinson:Wale referred to the report from the sub-group and the opinion from Brazil. We have these on e-mail. We could send them to you. OK Wale?
  Wale Bakare:EU has not made comment or statement about ICANN jurisdiction but if there any one lately i would notify members
  Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you Sebastien
  Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you Wale, Cristopher!
  Erich Schweighofer:EU will learn about it at Abu Dhabi and then maybe working on a position. #
  Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you Erich
  Lutz Donnerhacke:If you need somebody to help with RIPE ... count me in.
  Evin Erdogdu:CCWG Auction Proceeds for new gTLDs:
  Narine Khachatryan:No echo this time
  Christopher Wilkinson:in ISOC terminology, Open Internet is close to the Network Neutrality concept. That would take ICANN beyond its mandate and into stormy waters, partiicularly with the FCC in the US.
  Christopher Wilkinson:I had thought that the auction proceeds could be used to finance new gTLD applications from under-served communities.
  Wolf Ludwig:Good point, Christopher!
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:@Christopher: no they cannot fund them
  Oksana Prykhodko:@Cristopher Is there any link between under-served communities and protection of geographic names?
  Christopher Wilkinson:There is no direct link to my knowledge, as yet. The main reason for reserving geographical names in under-served regions is to ensure that in future they still have the option to use them, and that they have not been expropriated meanwhile.
  Erich Schweighofer:Good point, CW.
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:the magnitude of the funds is differnet. Application fees are tiny compared to the overall size of the fund
  Evin Erdogdu:EURALO By – Laws Task Force update:
  Christopher Wilkinson:Have to leave the call now. I shall send a note in the next few days about the GNSO WG Task group 5 on geographic names in new gTLDs.
  Wale Bakare:Those links are for discussions around the open Internet definition 
  Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you Erich for great job!
  Evin Erdogdu:EURALO Hot Topics 2017:
  Fiorella Belciu:yes
  Danko Jevtović:yes
  Lianna Galstyan:yes
  Lutz Donnerhacke:Thin Whois was rejected, so there can't be any senseful discussion anymore
  Oksana Prykhodko:+1@Lutz
  Oksana Prykhodko:Actually, it's not only about Whois and business at all. It's also about registration (list of participants) of EuroDIG, national IGF(
  Evin Erdogdu:EURALO Strategy:
  Wale Bakare:Open internet definition file has just been sent to the mailing list
  Narine Khachatryan:central asia
  Narine Khachatryan:Central Asia
  Wolf Ludwig:TMK she stepped in for Michael j.!
  Heidi Ullrich:GSE will speak with At-Large leadership in Abu Dhabi
  Heidi Ullrich:Wolf is correct
  Heidi Ullrich:She replace Michael
  Lianna Galstyan:but she's not a VP
  Sebastien (ALAC):
  Sebastien (ALAC):Yes but she didn't have the tittle of VP
  Silvia Vivanco:Alexandra will be the "Head of Global Stakeholder Engagement for Eastern Europe & Central Asia"
  Andrei Kolesnikov:sorry connection is bad
  Oksana Prykhodko:Head of Global Stakeholder Engagement for Eastern Europe & Central Asia
  Andrei Kolesnikov:I said Icann should do better job by supporting its regional reps
  Heidi Ullrich:Alexandra KulikovaHead of Engagement, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
  Heidi Ullrich:See:
  Wale Bakare:Ok
  Wale Bakare:Sorry, i missed that I would look at again
  Silvia Vivanco:As of September 2017 as Head of the region for GSE, she leads the development and implementation of the ICANN GSE regional projects in the region engaging with various stakeholder groups on a variety of topics regarding the role of ICANN in regional and global internet governance, global DNS security, stability and resiliency issues and DNS industry development.
  Silvia Vivanco:
  Wale Bakare:Alright, thanks
  Heidi Ullrich:ATLAS III will be at ICANN 64 in Kobe, Japan in March 2019
  Narine Khachatryan:Thanks, Heidi for info
  Oksana Prykhodko:I will write you e-mail, thank you, bye!
  Erich Schweighofer:Servus from Vienna.
  Wale Bakare:Thanks, bye!
  Lutz Donnerhacke:Thank you
  sandra hoferichter:Bye all!
  Fiorella Belciu:Thank you, bye bye! 
  Yrjö Länsipuro:Bye
  Danko Jevtović:bye
  Narine Khachatryan:Thank you Olivier, all, see you!
  Lianna Galstyan:thanks and bye
  Matthias Hudobnik:thx bye
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all 
  Silvia Vivanco:bye