Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the Special briefing for EURALO members on CWG-Stewardship Proposal Public Comments on Monday 18 May 2015 at 1800 UTC
Gisella Gruber:Agenda:
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, All!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Hello all - I am awaiting my dial out :-)
Terri Agnew:@Olivier, dialing to you next
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Wolf Ludwig:Dropped off -- can you dial-out again?
Terri Agnew:@Wolf, we are dialing back out to you
Wolf Ludwig:Thanks!
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Hello, sorry for being late on this call!
Ariel Liang:First draft of the ALAC Statment has been posted on the At-Large wiki workspace:
Siranush Vardanyan:hi all. sorry for joining late
Wolf Ludwig:Welcome Siranush -- even late ;-)
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks
Sandra Hoferichter:almost inaudible
Heidi Ullrich:I think it is better now, no?
Sandra Hoferichter:minimal
christopher wilkinson:Thankyou, Olivier: I think the public consultation is premature and ends too soon. There are too many open questions/lacunae in the CWG report. CW
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Wolf: no, I don't have any question at this stage. Thanks.
Wolf Ludwig:OK JJ -- your are next after Seb's reply ...
Heidi Ullrich:Yes, Seb!
christopher wilkinson:@Sebastien, You were right. The bylaws have been amended too easily by the ICANN Board.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:I'm done.
Terri Agnew:@Christopher, we are unable to hear you
Terri Agnew:@Christopher, let me know if a dial out is needed
Terri Agnew:Mikhail, your mic is not active. To active your mic select telephone icon on top tool bar and follow prompts
christopher wilkinson:@JJS:
Terri Agnew:@Mikhail, let me know if you need help or a dial out
Mikhail Medrish:Thanks. I've changed my microphone
christopher wilkinson:Please comment on the ICG scope for the rationalisation between CWG, RIRs (See comment from Axel Paulick) and IETF (see comment from Brian Carpenter. CW
Mikhail Medrish:Yes
Michael Yakushev:Maybe you write your question here?
Terri Agnew:@Mikhail, I have sent you a private chat to help get mic activated.
Mikhail Medrish:I will change comp
Terri Agnew:@Mikhail, please let me know if a dial out on telephone is needed will try with new comp
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Wolf, I'm prepared to respond to Christopher.
Michael Yakushev:We hear you!
christopher wilkinson:Good night everyone. Thankyou presenters. Better luck with the audio next time. CW
Wolf Ludwig:Thanks Christoher for partcipation and inputs!
christopher wilkinson:I shall followup with JJS by e-mail.
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks a lot and bye
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Bye all!
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks very much. Very interesting discussions.
Sandra Hoferichter:thanks to the presenter!
Sandra Hoferichter:bye all
Yuliya Morenets:Bye