Olivier: We had a call with Kurt and other Staff yesterday and went through the points raised. There was confusion on the Staff side and a general feeling that more needs to be done. There might be a rebellion because of this in Cartagena.
Wolf: would you you like EURALO to participate in this rebellion.?
Olivier: I agree that EURALO is among those who are frustrated about the guidebook.
Wolf: Although we petitioned for some candidates it was not enough we as according to the process, a candidate needs the support of at least three RALO. We recently had a community call with the candidates and the election will take place next week.
AI: Staff will send a reminder to the candidate-community forum page to the EURALO list.
Wolf: The ALAC EURALO vote will be an anonymous preference vote whereby the three candidates will be ranked in order of preference.
Lutz: I don’t think the vote should be anonymous.
ICANN Strategic Plan Development
Kurt gave a presentation on ICANN’s Strategic Plan Development. (the slideshow is linked to the agenda pagesee PPT slides and audio excerpt)
AI: Staff will create a wiki page for RALO comments on the strategic planning process.
Wolf: We can discuss this informally in Cartagena as we have not asked for a formal meeting Cartagena. And we will certainly resume work on the Bylaw modifications after Cartagena
The meeting was then adjoured.