00:13:52 Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNE: Hello everybody ! Gabdibé from Chad
00:14:33 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Welcome everyone!
00:19:41 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: PANEL 1 Agenda: Enhancing Internet Infrastructure in Africa for an inclusive Internet
00:22:14 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: We have 6 panelists, are we comfortable with 6, if so, we will start sending invitations
00:22:51 Bukola Oronti: We can pick just one of the two board members
00:23:38 Bukola Oronti: It is better we send out invitations early on so as to be sure we will have them in attendance
00:24:32 Raihanath GBADAMASSI: Replying to "We have 6 panelists,…"
Exact, it’s a lot people
00:24:38 Raihanath GBADAMASSI: Reacted to "We can pick just one…" with
00:25:02 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Hand up by Bukola
00:26:49 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Reacted to "It is better we send..." with
00:29:04 Samwel Kariuki: I think its a good idea of having one of the panelists as a moderator instead of dropping any of them
00:29:24 Mutegeki Cliff: I think that the earlier we send out the invitations, the better as we have little time left.
00:32:58 KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse: Happy with the panelists picked so far
00:33:37 KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse: The sooner the invitation arde sent the better so end of this week sounds good
00:33:52 Herve Setondji Hounzandji: Reacted to "The sooner the invit..." with
00:34:09 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: AI: SV to send a draft invitation for approval
00:36:04 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1joFtU_0Cw_bc6sLkDh1A8ba1vGwwPyMUog9tAjPngng/edit
00:36:10 Herve Setondji Hounzandji: Reacted to "https://docs.google...." with
00:36:16 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Google doc in the chat
00:36:24 Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNE: Reacted to https://docs.google.... with "
00:38:38 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Welcome Heidi
00:39:53 Hadia’s iPhone: @Heidi’s iPhone (2) okay great
00:40:41 Dr. Jabhera Matogoro: For the DNS, I would also propose Barrack
00:42:30 Dr. Jabhera Matogoro: I would be happy to be in the first session on Internet Infrastructure as it follows my area of expertise
00:43:13 NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS: Hello All. Pastor Peters Omoragbon
00:45:40 Dr. Jabhera Matogoro: That would be appreciated
00:45:53 Dr. Jabhera Matogoro: It is important to empower our ALSes
00:46:09 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: AI; Dr Jabhera to present results of the ALS (based on a survey to be sent to AFRALO ALS)
00:48:11 Samwel Kariuki: Reacted to AI; Dr Jabhera to pr... with "
00:48:41 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: AI; Dr. Jabhera and all OC members to prepare 3 questions for ALS on infrastructure and send in a Google survey - by Friday 10
00:48:49 Samwel Kariuki: That's OK
00:49:12 Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNE: Reacted to AI; Dr Jabhera to pr... with "
00:49:14 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Ok and you can get feedback by May 13
00:56:04 Samwel Kariuki: Could we reduce the panelists to 5
00:56:18 NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS: Could we use this meeting to reach out to potential stakeholders partners that will help in promoting our strategic plan in promoting the UA in Africa
00:57:34 Joel Okomoli: We need language experts to join the panelists even if remotely
00:58:49 Joel Okomoli: Yes
00:59:50 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: AI: Joel will draft 3 questions to gather feedback from ALS on the second Roundtable discussion
01:00:02 Joel Okomoli: Agreed
01:00:08 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Reacted to "Agreed" with
01:00:36 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: @Joel Okomoli please send an email to At-Large staff to subscribe you to AFRI-Discuss (if you are not already subscribed)
01:01:45 Joel Okomoli: Reacted to "@Joel Okomoli pleas..." with
01:04:34 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Joel, is that ok? The two questions under Stakeholder Perspectives and question 3 under the strategies for promoting multilingualism.
01:04:42 Joel Okomoli: Reacted to "Joel, is that ok? Th..." with
01:04:45 Hadia’s iPhone: Reacted to "Joel, is that ok? Th…" with
01:04:51 Joel Okomoli: Yes ok
01:05:06 Dr. Jabhera Matogoro: I also support it
01:05:20 KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse: Supported
01:05:25 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Reacted to "I also support it" with
01:07:16 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Time check, we have 3 minutes left in our meeting today
01:08:05 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: aI: Stakeholders Perspectives (questions to be sent to ALS in a Google survey to AFRALO ALS )
01:12:30 Mutegeki Cliff: Arabic
01:12:31 Joel Okomoli: Swahili
01:12:52 Samwel Kariuki: Arabic
01:12:55 Joel Okomoli: Swahili is hard though... French
01:13:04 Hadia’s iPhone: Arabic
01:13:07 Hadia’s iPhone: Yes please
01:13:11 Hadia’s iPhone: French
01:13:11 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: FR and Arabic it is
01:13:12 Mutegeki Cliff: Actually both Arabic and French would be ideal.
01:13:18 KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse: French
01:13:21 Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNE: French Arabic
01:13:22 Omar Shuran: Arabic
01:13:45 Hadia’s iPhone: Okay thank you - update on Thursday
01:13:46 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: AI: Dr Jabhera to draft 2one or two quantitative questions
01:14:07 Hadia’s iPhone: Updates on Wednesday as well
01:14:30 Dr. Jabhera Matogoro: Replying to "AI: Dr Jabhera to dr..."
Would ping this action item?
01:15:19 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: You are all making great progress! Many thanks!
01:15:21 Hadia’s iPhone: Bye all
01:15:32 Omar Shuran: Bye
01:15:34 Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNE:
01:15:36 Joel Okomoli: Bye
01:15:36 Samwel Kariuki: Bye all