Members: Becky Burr, David McAuley, Greg Shatan, Kavouss Arasteh, Kristina Rosette, Mike Rodenbaugh, Sam Eisner, Susan Payne
Guests/Observers: Kate Wallace, Liz Le
ICANN Org: Bernard Turcotte, Devan Reed
Apologies: Brenda Brewer, Flip Petillion
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
- Review agenda and updates to SOIs
- Conclude initial review and discussion of small team’s proposed revision to Rule 7 (clean, annotated and redline versions reattached for convenience):
- Continuing from Rule 7 (25) Participation as an Amicus, and reflecting on the question aired on our last call and set out in my email of 27 August (attached)
- Time permitting, discuss notification of commencement of an IRP (see attached setting out current provision in Rule 6 and MR proposal)
- Next call 12 September tbc
Transcript: PDF
Zoom Chat Transcript:
00:30:27 David McAuley (Verisign): sounds like a good plan, Susan
00:37:25 David McAuley (Verisign): +1 @ Kristina
00:38:28 Kristina Rosette: I agree, Sam. I didn't intend that we would delete the 3 referenced categories, but would instead clarify that the presumption would apply to them.
00:38:42 Sam Eisner - ICANN Org: Understood, Kristina. Thanks
00:52:18 Sam Eisner - ICANN Org: With apologies, I have to leave early.
00:58:03 David McAuley (Verisign): should have also said I was on small team
01:08:50 David McAuley (Verisign): Good progress, thank you, Susan
01:10:03 Mike Rodenbaugh: Notification is relevant to intervention rather than consolidation
01:13:54 Kristina Rosette: Have to step away for a minute
01:17:45 Kristina Rosette: back
01:20:10 Mike Rodenbaugh: We had email about this… Becky agreed the following is workable: where the gTLD string that is the subject of the IRP is the same as, or is a translation, transliteration or IDN of, or is a plural of, the applied-for string
01:22:08 David McAuley (Verisign): seems fair
01:22:20 Becky Burr: My views should not be taken as definitive. Easy enough when the strings are the same or plurals in the same language. Translation, transliteration, or IDN may be more complicated
01:25:55 David McAuley (Verisign): ok thanks Susan
01:27:00 Bernard Turcotte: Time check - 25 minutes left in call
01:29:06 Mike Rodenbaugh: It should be in the Intervention rule
01:29:54 Mike Rodenbaugh: Ok... Initiation rule would work
01:32:47 Bernard Turcotte: bye all
01:32:50 Kristina Rosette: Bye all
01:33:00 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks all see you in September