Members: Becky Burr, David McAuley, Flip Petillion, Greg Shatan, Helen Lee, Kristina Rosette, Malcolm Hutty, Mike Rodenbaugh, Robin Gross, Sam Eisner, Scott Austin, Susan Payne
Observers: Kate Wallace, Liz Le
ICANN Org: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Nigel Roberts, Mike Silber
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
- Review agenda and updates to SOIs
- Action items from last meeting
- BT – to request missing SOIs from members.
- EL – To edit the translation document to integrate comments made during the meeting.
- Consolidation, intervention and participation as amicus:
- Review of straw person text for rule 7 (attached below)
- Next meeting – 22 September 2020 19:00 UTC
- mp3 mp3 (1.27:47)
- Zoom Replay
- none
Action Items
EL – To edit translation document to integrate comments made during the meeting.
SE – Look at US Class Action rules which could apply to IRP consolidation.
SE – Will look at what is currently in the ICDR rules so the group can start from the same baseline understanding for consolidation.
FP – Look at IBA and EU rules which could apply to IRP consolidation.
Members to comment on straw person document presented at the meeting by SP.
Members to consider EL email of 8 September to the list on considerations for Rule 7.
Members to consider MR email of 3 September to the list regarding costs.
- PDFDoc
Zoom Chat Transcript