00:26:11 David Mackey: Conclude
00:27:53 Heidi Ullrich: Hi All
00:31:05 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It should have a reference and advice for use including space around it erc.,
00:31:28 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and specify the pantone colours used etc., as well
00:31:39 Heidi Ullrich: @CLO , yes there are rules on which logo can be used.
00:32:24 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: alog with a Style guide and History etc., it is good to have am accessible home for the information
00:33:33 Roberto: This is something that we will indeed discuss in the UIM-WP
00:35:23 Heidi Ullrich: There is a wiki space that has all of the RALO bylaws.
00:36:10 Matthias M. Hudobnik: hello all, sty for the delay
00:36:16 Nadira AL Araj: I'm learning here
00:38:32 Roberto: Exactly, the issue is if the applicant wants to know the reason for the rejection
00:39:52 Silvia Vivanco: RALO MOUs, ROPs table: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rAyyUkNbLj7C0-XyuwAB0oAhAH2UiqBaXAq1AKxkeHs/edit
00:40:21 Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, Silvia
00:42:16 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: public lists are indeed public
00:44:51 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Avoid REPRESENT as a term
00:45:01 David Mackey: fine with oversees
00:45:10 JUDITH' hellerstein: I agree with Alan
00:45:11 Matthias M. Hudobnik: oversees isgood
00:45:33 Roberto: +1 oversees
00:45:38 Sarah Kiden: Fine with oversees
00:47:17 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: ok with change I can only suggest "shift" if an alternate is needed
00:49:28 Heidi Ullrich: I will need to drop off now for an internal call.
00:49:33 Nadira AL Araj: Why it is grammatically not correct?
00:49:40 Maureen Hilyard: I agree,, suggest the change as a tidy up
00:49:41 David Mackey: good compromise
00:49:58 Nadira AL Araj: Thank you
00:51:28 Yrjo Lansipuro: Control is better
00:51:31 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: do NOT like the term "Govern: at all!
00:51:32 David Mackey: influence?
00:51:39 Matthias M. Hudobnik: yes control
00:51:50 Maureen Hilyard: @DavidI agree with that suggestion
00:51:55 Roberto: Influence is too weak
00:52:00 Sarah Kiden: +1 for influence
00:52:11 David Mackey: that’s fine
00:52:20 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Influence could indeed work but I think COntrol is the stringer
00:52:26 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: stronger
00:52:28 Roberto: everybody can in principle “influence” if they have good arguments
00:52:42 David Mackey: @Roberto true
00:53:04 Maureen Hilyard: +1 Roberto
00:55:43 Maureen Hilyard: True. Most grants that are offered where I am are via government agencies
00:57:40 Maureen Hilyard: for example social impact grants offered by various governments in our region
00:58:05 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes but that IS where this question came from @Alan
00:58:06 David Mackey: +1 Cheryl - open ended question “describe …"
00:58:17 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: promting for more information should do
00:59:57 Nadira AL Araj: It is better to ask than leave it to follow later.
01:00:10 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: there is also the opportunity to ask further qualifying questions after the application is received and reviewed
01:01:07 Sivasubramanian M: How about a non-geographic category?
01:01:23 Sivasubramanian M: Or,a cross-geographic category
01:02:00 Roberto: @Siva the problem is the vote, with which RALO?
01:02:00 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: that is good news @Alan... Thx @Heidi very timely
01:02:52 Sivasubramanian M: @Roberto, I didn't think about that aspect
01:03:25 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: All Good!
01:03:33 David Mackey: Congratulations everyone!
01:03:33 Nadira AL Araj: Thank you Alan, it is nice working/learning from your experience.
01:03:45 Sivasubramanian M: Perhaps an ALS categorized as "non-geographic" and assigned to a RALO, part by rationale, and part by arbitrariness? @Roberto
01:05:26 Roberto: @Siva - I wonder whether by creating this “exception” we open the door to other problems. I am not saying it is a bad idea, just that we might need to think more about it. whether it opens other problems.
01:05:37 David Mackey: +1 Cheryl — Thank you Alan!
01:05:50 Nadira AL Araj: +1 Cheryl
01:06:00 Maureen Hilyard: +1 Cheryl. Congratulations to Alan and the great contribution from this team
01:06:00 Yrjo Lansipuro: CLO +1
01:06:10 Sarah Kiden: +1 Cheryl. Thank you for chairing this well, Alan!
01:06:14 Roberto: @CLO +1
01:07:22 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Worthy work Well done indeed! this is an extensive review and the outcome is solid
01:07:35 Sivasubramanian M: @Roebrto, yes, there may be problems, but such a categorization may also offer solutions to situations wherein an application coming from a temporarily indeterminable geography could be classed "non-geographic" eventually to be assigned to a geography @Roberto
01:07:51 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: well said @Alan!
01:08:02 Roberto: @Siva we need to think about it
01:08:16 Matthias M. Hudobnik: very well said clo, great leadship from alan but also good work from all the contributors
01:08:40 Roberto: Thanks to Alan - I admire his patience
01:08:42 Silvia Vivanco: Thank you all for your participation in this important work
01:08:45 David Mackey: Bye all! See you in the next working party. :-)
01:08:50 herb waye ombuds: take care everyone… stay safe and healthy
01:08:51 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye
01:08:52 Sivasubramanian M: Thank you Alan.
01:08:54 Sarah Kiden: Thank you all!
01:08:58 Silvia Vivanco: thank you Alan for leading this group
01:08:59 Maureen Hilyard: Thank you everyone.. take care
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