Date: Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Action Items: EN
Transcript: ENEN, ES ES, FR FR
Zoom Chat: EN
Roll Call and Administrative Items - Staff (2 minutes)
Welcome and Review of Agenda - Joanna Kulesza (3 minutes)
Review of Action Items from 30 March 2020 Meeting - Joanna Kulesza (3 minutes)
Introduction and Aim of Call (Alfredo Calderon, 3 minutes)
Update on Capacity Building Sub-Groups - Joanna Kulesza and Alfredo Calderon (40 minutes)
- ICANN Learn Policy Development Course Team (Joanna)
- ICANN Onboarding Slide Deck Team (Dev)
- Webinar Team (Hadia)
Introduction to the At-Large Capacity Building and Resources Dashboard - Joanna Kulesza (5 minutes)
AoB - Joanna Kulesza (3 minutes)
Next Meeting - Joanna Kulesza (2 minutes)