Welcome to ATLAS III in Montreal! * Bienvenue chez ATLAS III à Montréal! * ¡Bienvenido a ATLAS III en Montreal!
Information relating to the ATLAS III activities are included on the ATLAS III workspace.
Post-ICANN66 Policy Report
A report prepared by the ICANN Policy Department on SOAC activities and ICANN Plenary sessions that took place during ICANN66.
Pre-ICANN66 Policy Report
ICANN66 Prep Week will take place from 14-17 October 2019 offering 7 webinar sessions.
Prep Week is the initiative from ICANN org that consolidates all pre-ICANN Public Meeting webinars into one week. With this initiative, we not only hope to improve community preparation, but also to increase awareness of plenary topics and enhance briefings and readout sessions
ICANN66 ALAC and At-Large Actions and Decisions 02-07 November Workspace