Legal /
Organizational References
On this page you will find references to all the key legal provisions as well as decisions of the ICANN Board that relate to the format and structure of the At-Large community within ICANN.
- Article XI, Section 2, Clause 4 – Provisions related to the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), Regional At-Large Organisations Organizations (RALOs), and community membership.
- Article VI, Section 5 – Division of the world into five Geographic Regions for various purposes, including the scope of membership of each of the Regional At-Large Organisations Organizations (RALOs).
Definition of Territorial Makeup of ICANN’s Geographic Regions
- The list of countries and territories within each Geographic Region are periodically reviewed and may be revised. The current list can be found at: This list was adopted by the ICANN Board on 26 th 26th June 2003; details may be found at:
- The Geographic Regions are presently under review and information about that may be found at:
Decisions of the Board Related to At-Large Organisation Organization and Structure
- The Bylaws of ICANN provided for the Interim At-Large Advisory Committee to propose a number of fundamental elements of the structure of the community to the ICANN Board for the Board’s approval.