Date: Wednesday, 30 January 2019
RALO Leads
AFRALO - Sarah Kiden, Bram Fudzulani, Wisdom Donkor, Montrésor Konan, Joan Katambi, Ejikeme Egbuogu
APRALO - Lianna Galstyan, Amrita Choudhury
EURALO - Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Wale Bakare, Yrjö Lansipuro, Oksana Prykhodko
LACRALO - Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges
NARALO - Susannah Gray, Alfredo Calderon
- Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
- Agenda Overview and Action Items: 17 January - John Laprise, SMWG Chair (3 mins)
- Social Media Tips and Tricks - John Laprise (10 mins)
- ICANN64 Social Media Goals - John Laprise and All (20 mins)
See: ICANN64 Community Forum - Kobe, Japan- Social Media Tool Training workshop either before or during ICANN64 Kobe Meeting
- SMWG Leads to reach out to Japanese ALSes for social media support during ICANN64
- Promotion of Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic
- Breakfast gatherings - Day 1 (At-Large) and Day 2 (ICANN)
- Potential best Best Tweet prize for ICANN64
- Potential best Best Tweet prize for ICANN64
- Change in At Large meeting Format (More policy discussion, sessions will included descriptive titles)
- Social Media Tool Training workshop either before or during ICANN64 Kobe Meeting
- At-Large #Slack Strategy for ICANN64 - John Laprise, Dev Anand Teelucksingh and All (10 mins)
Presentation on Buffer Social Media Performance Metrics - 90-Day Analytics, Nov 2018 - Jan 2019 (suggested standing agenda item) - Evin Erdoğdu
Most Re-Tweeted: ICANN At-Large Twitter Most Liked: ICANN At-Large Twitter Most Shared: ICANN At-Large Facebook Most Liked: ICANN At-Large Facebook View file name Most Retweeted - Twitter 90 Days Report (Nov 2018-Jan 2019).xlsx height 250 View file name Most Liked - Twitter 90 Days Report (Nov 2018-Jan 2019).xlsx height 250 View file name Most Shared - ICANN At-Large Facebook.xlsx height 250 View file name Most Liked - ICANN At-Large Facebook.xlsx height 250
- ICANN63 SMWG Action Items - John Laprise (5 mins)
- Call for Blog Topics
- Call to O&E for upcoming events to post
- Call to SMWG Leads for content
- Action items Summary - John Laprise and Evin Erdoğdu (3 mins)
- AOB - John Laprise (2 mins)