- 2017 SSAC Membership Committee – This Committee reviews SSAC members who are approaching the end of their 3-year appointments and assesses potential new members. There has been only one meeting of this Committee during this period and that was 20 November.
- IDN Harmonization WP – This Work Party has already released SACs 084, 088, 089, 095 and 099. The latest was released on 17 November (see para 3 below). Additional aspects of IDNs are still being considered for possible further SSAC Reports. I attended one meeting of this Work Party on 28 November.
- SSAC Review WP – This Work Party has been recently established to manage the 5-yearly SSAC Organizational Review as mandated in the ICANN Bylaws. ICANN staff are currently assessing responses to the Request for Proposal which was released on 7 July. The Work Party met once during this period on 16 November.
- IoT WP - This Work Party was established to consider challenges to preserving the security, stability, and resilience of the DNS in the emerging “Internet of Things” (IoT). I attended one meeting during this period on 13 November.
3. SSAC REPORTS. There has been one SSAC Report issued since my last Liaison Report on ICANN60 in Abu Dhabi: