Ariel Liang to clarify the error that Ricardo Holmquist mentioned to the Staff contact of the public comment on PTI
Alan Greenberg / Heidi Ullrich to allocate time to discuss the position of the ALAC in regard to allocating a portion of the Auction Proceeds for the reserve fund of ICANN budget and PTI budget
Heidi Ullrich to add ICANN60 discussion items: Human rights, transparency, correspondence between SSAC and Board in regard to SSR2 evolution; jurisdiction versus DNS Abuse is an issue to look closer with CCT RT.
Gisella Gruber to send an email about the social events at ICANN60 to the ALAC, including the dress code of Emerites Palace
Heidi Ullrich to note the dates of the Call for applicants for ALAC-supported traveler to IGF:
18 October Deadline
30 October Decision
3 November Notification
Heidi Ullrich to note the following ALAC questions to Goran:
The challenges of ICANN as it relates to public interest and multistakeholderism given the multilateral happenings around the world
What Goran is doing to enhance/maintain trust in the ICANN process
ICANN's engagement in IG from a Board/Staff perspective