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Formerly known as the At-Large Ad-hoc WG on IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability (changed 22 September 2016), the mission of the ICANN Evolution Working Group (WG) is to discuss the transition of U.S. Government (USG) stewardship of the IANA function. This includes related discussions taking place in other groups, such as the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordinating Group (ICG) and the RIR, IETF, ISOC and IAB spaces.
Staff Support Lead: Heidi Ullrich
Mailing list:
Monthly Reports
As of July 2014
How all the IANA Functions Stewardship and Accountability working groups relate to each other (PDF)
How all the IANA Functions Stewardship and Accountability working groups relate to each other (JPG)
Documents - ICANN page on Stewardship Transition
base page for the AP Numbering community
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