At-Large Orientation Program Relaunches for New At-Large Structures and Individual Members of the At-Large Community
At a Glance
With a significant increase in the number of accredited At-Large Structures (ALS) and Individual Members joining the At-Large community since January 2016, an At-Large Orientation Program was relaunched in June 2017. The aim of this program is to facilitate ALS and Individual Member participation within their Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs) and to promote their policy development activity within At-Large and ICANN. The program is managed by At-Large Staff, including RALO Leadership Teams from each RALO during implementation.
Recent Developments
Previously, At-Large ALS Orientation activities were presented to At-Large during ICANN53 and received strong support from the At-Large community. During ICANN58, At-Large Staff reintroduced the concept of the At-Large Orientation Program to At-Large community members. The initiative has been well received in the context of the now finalized At-Large Review, which emphasized the need for greater outreach and engagement within At-Large.