11:00-12:45 Hall C1.3 | ALAC and Regional Leaders Wrap Up Session Adobe Connect: https://participate.icann.org/cph58-hallc13 Agenda: - Reports from Liaisons (11:00-11:30)
- Discussion with Göran Marby, President and CEO of ICANN and David Olive, Senior VP, Policy Development Support (11:30-12:00) TBC
- ALAC Actions (12:00-12:45)Travel slot discretionLiaison Reports (ccNSO, GNSO, GAC) (25 minutes)
- ALS Communications Plan (10 minutes)
- ICANN58 Debriefing (30 minutes)
- SSAC Liaison Report & EPSRP Discussion/Decision (30 minutes)
- Wrap-up (10 minutes)
| Moderator(s): Alan Greenberg, ALAC Chair Lead: HU Notes: AL RP: YN/EE
| To wrap up on what happened in ICANN 58 as part of the standard ALAC procedure | |