- To what degree is your membership actively participating in CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2? What could the Board or ICANN organization do to facilitate participation and timely completion of this work?
- The ALAC may wish to explain to the Board the process how seasoned At-Large members who are deeply engaged in ICANN policy activities regularly brief the wider At-Large Community of the latest development of issues.
- Particularly advise the ICANN Board on At-Large's regular ICANN Evolution WG calls as a continuity of WS1 efforts, especially as the ALAC is a charting organization of the CCWG-Accountability and will be responsible for the WS2 output.
- Build a few statistics on RALO activities (APRALO focus, AFRALO focus, etc.) of updating their members on WS2 activities. e.g. AFRALO monthly meeting has a standing agenda item of WS2 briefing.
- At-Large is aware of other parts of the ICANN community that hold updates/briefings on WS2 activities. E.g. NCSG holds an update every 5-7 weeks with the usual suspects (e.g. leadership people or people who are leading the Subgroup activities of WS2) attending with only 1-2 key areas of interest.
- ALAC's briefings on the WS2 cover all subtopics and reach much wider membership, ensuring that the WS2 output would be satisfactory to the ALAC as a chartering organization.
- Perhaps asking for more support to help end users engage, e.g. ask for translations for all WG outputs, questionnaires, and consultations into different languages.
- What policy/advice issues are top priorities for your group?