The ALAC Appointee Selection Committee will be seated annually after each AGM
Yes (1112): leon.sanchez, seun.ojedeji, vanda, Tijani BEN JEMAA, sebastien.bachollet, Alan Greenberg, Maureen, holly.raiche, kaili.kan, sandra.hoferichter, Timothy Denton, wafa.zaafouri
The ALAC Appointee Selection Committee’s serving period is one year from the end of one year's AGM to the end of the following year's AGM
Yes (911): leon.sanchez, seun.ojedeji, vanda, Tijani BEN JEMAA, Alan Greenberg, Maureen, holly.raiche, kaili.kan, sandra.hoferichter, Timothy Denton, wafa.zaafouri
- ALAC Member
- Replaced by other ALAC Members from region, or if none available, by RALO
- Regional Member
- Replaced by RALO
- Chair
- Replaced by Vice-Chair, other ALT Member, Other ALAC member
Approved by the ALAC by consensus
If there is a tie in the whole ALAC Appointee Selection Committee, the seating Chair of the Selection Committee is to break the tie and he/she must not abstain
Yes (78): leon.sanchez, seun.ojedeji, Maureen, holly.raiche, kaili.kan, sebastien.bachollet, Alan Greenberg, Timothy Denton
No (5): jimmy.schulz, vanda, Tijani BEN JEMAA, wafa.zaafouri, sandra.hoferichter
Haven't voted (2): garth.bruen, Harold Arcos
Decisions by the ALAC Appointee Selection Committee