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The ALAC Appointee Selection Committee will be seated annually after each AGM 

Yes (1011): leon.sanchez, seun.ojedeji, vanda, Tijani BEN JEMAA, sebastien.bachollet, Alan Greenberg, Maureen, holly.raiche, kaili.kansandra.hoferichterTimothy Dentonwafa.zaafouri

No (0)

Haven't voted (43): garth.bruenHarold Arcoswafa.zaafourijimmy.schulz

The ALAC Appointee Selection Committee’s serving period is one year from the end of one year's AGM to the end of the following year's AGM 

Yes (9): leon.sanchez, seun.ojedeji, vanda, Tijani BEN JEMAA, Alan Greenberg, Maureen, holly.raiche, kaili.kansandra.hoferichterTimothy Denton, wafa.zaafouri

No (1): sebastien.bachollet

Haven't voted (43): garth.bruenHarold Arcoswafa.zaafourijimmy.schulz

The ALAC Appointee Selection Committee has 10 members, consist of ALT Members (except for Chair's region) + one ALAC Member of the Chair's region + one regional representative selected by each RALO's leadership as per their processes

Yes (5): leon.sanchezvandaAlan GreenbergMaureenholly.raichekaili.kanTimothy Denton

No (56): Tijani BEN JEMAAsandra.hoferichterseun.ojedejisebastien.bacholletleon.sanchezwafa.zaafouri

Alan Greenberg casted an additional 'Yes' vote to break the tie 

Haven't voted (4): garth.bruenHarold Arcoswafa.zaafourijimmy.schulz


At-Large Leadership Work Session 6
