The ALAC Appointee Selection Committee will be seated annually after each AGM
Yes (1011): leon.sanchez, seun.ojedeji, vanda, Tijani BEN JEMAA, sebastien.bachollet, Alan Greenberg, Maureen, holly.raiche, kaili.kan, sandra.hoferichter, Timothy Denton, wafa.zaafouri
No (0)
Haven't voted (43): garth.bruen, Harold Arcos, wafa.zaafouri, jimmy.schulz
The ALAC Appointee Selection Committee’s serving period is one year from the end of one year's AGM to the end of the following year's AGM
Yes (9): leon.sanchez, seun.ojedeji, vanda, Tijani BEN JEMAA, Alan Greenberg, Maureen, holly.raiche, kaili.kan, sandra.hoferichter, Timothy Denton, wafa.zaafouri
No (1): sebastien.bachollet
Haven't voted (43): garth.bruen, Harold Arcos, wafa.zaafouri, jimmy.schulz
The ALAC Appointee Selection Committee has 10 members, consist of ALT Members (except for Chair's region) + one ALAC Member of the Chair's region + one regional representative selected by each RALO's leadership as per their processes
Yes (5): leon.sanchez, vanda, Alan Greenberg, Maureen, holly.raiche, kaili.kan, Timothy Denton,
No (56): Tijani BEN JEMAA, sandra.hoferichter, seun.ojedeji, sebastien.bachollet, leon.sanchez, wafa.zaafouri
Alan Greenberg casted an additional 'Yes' vote to break the tie
Haven't voted (4): garth.bruen, Harold Arcos, wafa.zaafouri, jimmy.schulz
At-Large Leadership Work Session 6