Call Management: Terri Agnew
Roll call
Short explanation/update on captioningStaff introduction: Mark Segall, Corinna Ace
ofof TTF
Action ItemsAIs
on- Ability to select different audio channels in Adobe Connect Ability to export Adobe
- Adobe Connect recordings from Flash only recordings recording to formats like MP4 MP4 for availability on YouTube
- LACRALO mailing list issues (discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues)
- Report on conferencing solutions
- ATLAS II recommendations (Post ATLAS II Implementation - Technology Taskforce): What work is needed to advance the recommendations (Ref : At-Large Technology Taskforce presentation for ICANN 55 Marrakech March 2016.pptx ; At - Large Technology Taskforce presentation for ICANN 55 Marrakech March 2016.pdf )Your say: What do you want the TTF to work on?
- AoB