Session Outline | Purpose | Duration | Timing | Resources/Notes |
Each person to answer :
Where do they call home and where do they work (if different). Why they have joined (or continue to serve on) the ALAC?
30 mins |
10.00 -10.30
Keep concise or will lose a lot of time here. | |
Workshop Objectives |
10 mins |
10.30-10.40 | |
Who am I?
All to bring an object or picture that best describes them as an individual.
“Please take one minute to tell us why you have brought this picture/object and what it says about you”
30 mins |
10.40-11.10 I min max here
None (everyone needs to bring an object/picture)
Staff to remind all ALAC and Liaisons prior to their departure from home to bring a photo or item. Also check during meeting to ensure they all have photo/item. | |
Building Consensus for the Working Methods for the Session.
Discuss what is needed to be at our best in this workshop. Record items on a flip chart and stick on wall (e.g. listening, confidentiality, computers, stick to timings etc).
May need to review how this is going half way through.
20 mins |
1 flipchart, pens and blue tack | |
Bio break |
10 mins
11.30 - 11.40 | |
ICANN, ALAC and At-Large: Where we want to go in 2016 and beyond?
All to think about this question (in pairs) and write answers on separate post it notes.
“Why do we exist as a group? Collate Post it notes on a flip chart and discuss and review how we will know if we succeed. Each person to vote their #1 and #2 choice. Discuss and review how we will know when we’ve got there. One person to collate and circulate once agreed.
60 mins
11.40 – 12.40
Post-It notes Coloured stickers/stars
Write this on a flipchart.
| |
Discussions |
60 mins |
12.40 – 13.40
Consider a short table-top chat exercise during lunch
Tall rounds outside (an ALT member stationed at each); 10 minutes for table change. People grab lunch and start their first round. | |
Communication and Collaboration: How to Facilitate the Most Effective Meetings and Work Practices
How can we:
Discuss as a whole group how we can hold each other accountable (15 mins).
One person to collate and circulate.
105 mins |
Post it notes | |
Flip charts (4)
Have these questions on a slide.
The results of this session would be considered as an annex to this ALAC’s SOPs
15 mins inc break
15.25 – 15.40
| |
It takes a Village
Each person to reflect upon (10 mins) and then share with the group (5 mins each):
Record on flipchart and collate key themes of strengths/areas for development.
One person to circulate.
| 100 mins | 15.50 – 17.30 | |
Questions on slide. Flipcharts and pens.
Review of ALAC interactions (Alan) i.e. review of mailing lists and wiki practices plus questions.
15 mins |
17.30-17.45 | |
Actions and Next Steps
Each person to reflect upon these 2 questions and then and verbalise:
To save time at the end I may ask them to write them on 2 different flipcharts and then Alan or Lizzie can read them out.
Affirmative message from Alan regarding what he appreciates about/hopes for this team.
Alan to summarise key actions from workshop.
30 mins |
Pre Work
Please bring 1 object or picture that best describes you. Be prepared to talk for approx 1 minute about what this object/picture says about you.