Adobe Connect Chat Transcript: EN
Transcription: EN and ES DRAFT ALAC Statement - v02 - Redline
Dial out Participants:
EN: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Leon Sanchez (once he logs into AC), Seun Ojedeji,
Call Management: Terri Agnew
A G E N D A:
1. Introduction Roll Call, adoption of Agenda (Olivier Crépin-Leblond - 4 minutes)
3. CCWG Accountability (Alan Greenberg and Leon Sanchez - 60 minutes)
- DRAFT ALAC Statement - v02 - Redline
- DRAFT ALAC Statement - v02 - Clean
- DRAFT CCWG Accountability Proposal - 13 August 2015
- Comments as of 13Aug2015 14:08 UTC
- Document Repository(PDF)
- Still open (and contentious) issues
- Human rights in the Bylaws
- Stress test 18 and resultant Bylaw change on GAC Advice
- "With respect to Governmental Advisory Committee advice that is supported by consensus, the Governmental Advisory Committee and the ICANN Board will then try, in good faith and in a timely and efficient manner, to find a mutually acceptable solution.” (Proposed new text in BOLD, Underlined)
- Matrix of ICANN Bylaws <-- To Review
- specific Section 9(a) - Appeal Mechanism
- Verisign/ICANN Root Zone Transition Proposal
- ANALYSIS: Verisign/ICANN Root Zone Transition Proposal