- Welcome and Roll Call (2 minsmin)
Review of action items: https://community.icann.org/x/YIYQAw (10 minsGoals & expectations (3 min)
- Demo of Buffer demo (for ICANN 53 social media collaboration) (20 min)
- Solicit more volunteers from LACRALO (EN/ES/PT speaking) (10 min)
- Flickr account for At-Large & content strategy brainstorm (15 15 min)
- ICANN 53 Meeting session google spreadsheet; pre-drafted Tweets & Facebook posts (15 min)
- Group communications method (Skype chat, Twitter Direct Message) (5 min)
- Picture / photo taking (5 min)
- Translation requests (3 min)
- Next Step (e.g. session signup, pre-drafting in EN/ES, speakers' twitter handle) (3 min)
- AOB (3 mins4 min)