Show and Tell
- Add your suggestions
- Organize the suggestion under suitable categories
Surveys and Polling
Poll Everywhere
One Click Politics
Example: Sending a petition to people.
Survey Gizmo
Survey app for Salesforce - http://app.surveygizmo.com/
Field maps data between Survey Gizmo and (other app, like Salesforce)
Not just for survey - you can update contact info... Any SalesForce object you want to modify.
Social Social Media Tools
Stories are a form that's easy to embed pretty much anywhere.
Screencaster / screencapture. Likes to use it to "hack" (a slideshow app) to make movies of her giving presentations.Jing - Screencasting. “Capture video and images and share them with anyone.”
Q: Will it record it? A: For free, no, but if you pay, it will. (subscription info)
Q: Does your co-worker need to install it? A: I think they have to do it one time.
Free + low cost tools to save you time and money:
Schedule content in instagram posts
Overlay text over photos
Infographic builder
Interactive Infographic builder
Embed Links on photos
Quick (formally Overgram)
http://giphy.com - A search-forgifs tool.
http://taprootplus.org/ Taproot
Finding volunteers for nonprofit projects.
Toggl - Time-tracking tool
Tracks all your time (billable, project, etc.)
Archives 10,000 chats for free. (Searchable)
Facetweet? dashboard
Digital Engagement Tool
http://attentive.ly/ (Starts at $3K a year for nonprofits)
4.9 million LinkedIn member participants. 10 million LinkedIn members have indicated a willingness to volunteer time / aid non-profits.
Cloud Computing: Database
Fully integrated. Open source.
Comparable to proprietary CRM features. Dashboard for contributions, etc. Duiisplay participation in campaigns, events, etc. Can use CiviCRM to do emails on a regular basis.
Resources: civiteacher.com - great resource with videos. CiviCRM forums; great active community of users. Also a wiki.
Totally secure behind their firewall.
Website Usability Testing Tools
Resource Roundup
Share your favorite usability resources here!
Steve Krug - Don't Make Me Think (get the second edition), Rocket Surgery Made Easy, and anything else the man has ever written
Morae: TechSmith user testing tool
Google Hangouts for remote testing (screenshare). Join.me works great, too.
usabilityhub.com - get quick tests going
Usertesting.com - have strangers take your tests
Optimal Workshop - for designing and testing navigation and doing first click testing
- Optimizely