Members: Anne Aikman-Scalese, Casey Deccio. Warren Kumari, Suzanne Woolf, Matthew Thomas, Jaap Akkerhuis, Matt Larson, James Galvin, Rod Rasmussen, Jeff Schmidt, Tom Barrett, Rubens Kuhl, Betty Fausta, Justine Chew
Apologies: Julie Hammer, Barry
Observers: Heather Flanagan
Staff/Contractors: Jonathan Phillips, Jennifer Bryce
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- Admin items:
- Workshop in DC – reminder to book travel by end of day 30 August – let Jennifer know if problems
- No DG call next week 6 September. Calls resume 13 September 20:00 UTC
- Technical details of PCA. Some open topics, questions for discussion:
- Consensus call on the technical description of PCA (as discussed last week [] and on list)
- Discuss where the “musts” and “should” go in PCA implementation, and PCA timeline
- What level of guidance does the group intend to give the TRT
- Technical details of ACA and timeline
- Adjourn