The NCAP discussion group, as defined by the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) proposal and revised by ICANN's Office of the CTO, is an open and public group tasked with discussing issues pertaining to the work of the NCAP Study 1.
The NCAP Study 1 was authorized by the ICANN Board of Directors on 14 March 2019. The study will:
- examine all prior work on the issue of name collisions and produce a summary report that brings forward important knowledge from prior work into this study, and which can act as a primer for those new to the subject.
- create a list of data sets used in past studies, identify gaps, if any, and list additional data that would be required to successfully complete Studies 2 and 3.
- decide if the project should proceed based on the results of the survey of prior work and the availability of data.
There are two ways to participate in the NCAP discussion group:
- Individual participants – Participants are expected to actively contribute to mailing list conversations as well as meetings. Each potential participant will be required to provide a Statement of Interest (SOI) before gaining posting rights to the mailing list. It is anticipated that participants will provide essential input to the process.
- Mailing list observers – The position of observer is for those only interested in monitoring the NCAP discussions. Observers are offered read-only access to the mailing list. At any point in time, a mailing list observer can join the NCAP discussion group as a participant simply by submitting a SOI.
To join the Name Collision Analysis Project discussion group, please fill out the following questionnaire
*James Galvin - chairGalvin
*Jaap Akkerhuis
Dmitry Belyavsky
*Steve Crocker
*Patrik Faltstrom - co-chair
*Julie Hammer
*Merike Kaeo
Rubens Kühl
*Warren Kumari
*Barry Leiba
*Danny McPherson
*Ram Mohan
*Russ Mundy
Jeff Neuman
Eric Osterweil
*Chris Roosenraad
*Rod Rasmussen
Anne Aikman-Scales
Matthew Thomas - co-chair
Thomas Barrett
Greg Shatan
Justine Chew
Jeff Schmidt
Brantly Millegan
*indicates SSAC work party members
Mohamed Abuabed
Maxim Alzoba
Gavin Brown
Catherine Minette Baya
Michael Casadevall
Barry Cobb
Brady Coye
Yehuda Deutsch
Avri Doria
Philippe Fouquart
Wes Hardaker
Margaret Mwangi
Matthias Pfeifer
Jim Prendergast
Juan Manuel Rojas
Chokri ben Romdhane
Shinta Sato
Siavash M Shahshahani
Dr. Sudhakara A M
Hsu-Ping Tang
Drew Wilson
Jothan Frakes
Jaroslaw Czepczor
Paul Hoffman
Amr Elsadr
Staff Support:
- Matt Larson (OCTO)
- Kinga Kowalczyk (OCTO)
- Jennifer Bryce (OCTO)
- Steve Sheng (Policy)
- Kathy Schnitt (Policy)