Members: Jim Galvin, Matthew Thomas, Barry Leiba, Warren Kumari, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Jaap nnnnn, Kathy SchnittAkkerhuis, Tom Barrett, Julie Hammer, Steve Sheng, Rod Rasmussen
Apologies: Heather Flanagan Flanagan (partial attendance)
Observers: Rubens Henrique
Staff/Contractors: Jennifer Bryce, Corina Ferrer, Casey Deccio, Matt Larson, Rod Rasmussen, Kathy Schnitt, Steve Sheng
- Welcome and roll call
- Update from the Technical Investigator - Casey
- Project status and restatement of summary of action items and decisions made from last meeting - Jennifer
- Consensus of Workflow - Jim/Matt
- Consensus of the document “A Perspective Study of DNS Queries for Non-Existent Top-Level Domains” (previously the Data Sensitivity Analysis) - Jim/Matt
- Review text from the Design Team: Section 4 of the draft Study 2 final report: Board Questions - Jim/Matt
- Summary of action items and decisions made - Jennifer