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No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesStatus
40ICANN should offer a process similar to the Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP), but applicable to short lead-time budget requests not related to travel.ICANN Board; ICANN StaffTG5
  • Outreach & Engagement
  • Finance & Budget

titleIn Progress
- Pending External ProcessPending the outcome of ICANN's civil society engagement efforts and discussion with ICANN finance


Implementation Details

Starting from FY17, members of the Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs) have access to a discretionary fund of $10,000 USD -- managed by the regional teams of ICANN’s Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Department -- to organize local outreach and engagement activities about ICANN policy issues. Those activities include presentations and brown bag lunches held by professional speakers at a minimum cost. Each RALO can receive up to $2,000USD from the GSE and use it to cover travel, meals, promotions, and other expenses related to the events. For complete transparency and proper oversight, the regional GSE teams review RALOs’ budget requests through a defined process.

In addition, the At-Large Community has also benefited from the additional budget from ICANN’s Communications Department to support short lead-time, ad-hoc requests related to communications. This fund has been used to produce RALO brochures, business cards, USBs, and other promotional items for At-Large’s outreach activities.

Next Step

The ALAC will work with the GSE and Communications Department to clarify and institutionalize the budget request processes for their discretionary funds, facilitating RALO members’ applications for those funds. The ALAC will also collaborate with ICANN regional hub offices and make sure promotional items of the At-Large Community are sufficiently stocked in those offices and can be distributed in regional events in a timely manner.
