- It is important to prepare a new survey to obtain more detailed information from At-Large members, professional help may be needed.
- The survey should not only include ALS representatives but also other members in the ALSes. There is issue of openness of the survey. Some ALSes are tremendously large with lots of members. The survey needs to be more widely distributed with certain cap.
- If we open the poll of survey respondents, the results may be complicated, as certain large ALS respondents may skew the results.
- Ask ALSes themselves to provide the range of their members' knowledge, skills, and competencies that they can offer ICANN.
- Professional survey creation is needed; ICANN may have in-house expertise to create professional surveys. Heidi Ullrich is following up on this action item.
(secretariat meeting)
- EURALO is working to form a taskforce to review the past survey and to add further questions for new survey; this taskforce will build the database of EURALO ALS expertise
- LACRALO is waiting for the professional help re building the survey, also to learn about the number of members in the ALSes is important (e.g. some ALSes may have tens or hundreds of members)
- NARALO had very little participation in the first survey with little impact. Similarly, an IEEE event held an extensive survey but only a handful of people responded. Survey may not yield the desired result as response rate could be low. Alternatively, RALO Chairs and Secretariats probably should contact ALSes directly instead of waiting for responses to surveys.
- All RALOs should use the same survey, so it may be better to wait for professional help
- APRALO: the idea of calling ALSes does not work in APAC region. The response rate in the previous APAC survey was high, and the result was clear with regard to professional expertise. Since new ALSes have joined, it would be valuable to do a new survey.
- The last survey was only asking the ALS representatives, although the target is ALSes (e.g. members). Target audience needs to be defined clearly this time.
- Survey that is short and sweet may get better response rate.
- To find ways to promote the survey and encourage people to participate (e.g. amazon gift card for filling out the survey) may be needed.
- Several ways need to be used to reach out to ALSes, and survey itself can be administered in different ways (e.g. emails, polls, calls) to be effective. The list of questions used in the survey need to be consistent across RALOs. Professional help may be useful in defining the survey questions. Each RALO can decide how to promote and inform the ALSes to take part in the survey
(secretariat meeting)
- The EURALO At-Large Structure Engagement Taskforce has been established. It will be looking at ways to engage EURALO At‐Large structures better.
(secretariat meeting - ICANN55)