- Heidi Ullrich: There does not appear to be any particular expertise on survey development within staff. There have been some staff resources allocated to a personal survey in terms of staff being able to reach out and call the ALSs and the identified representative of each ALS. And we are hoping to use this Staff resource in the context of the ALS Criteria and Expectations Task Force. It would be great if there is collaboration between the efforts in the Cross RALO Secretariat Group as well as the ALS Criteria Task Force.
- Alberto Soto: ALSes should have the flexibility to provide the number of contacts for completing the survey, but we should demand at least a minimum of three contacts from each ALS.
- Humberto Carrasco, Siranush Vardanyan, and Heidi Ullrich need to first discuss and agree on the content of the survey. A small working group should be formed for this effort, with at least one representative from each RALO.
- The purpose of the survey needs to be clarified , besides gathering information of professional expertise, do we want all RALOs to do that? Because for APRALO it no sense to do the similar one. We just did it in last year. the RALOs differs from each other, so like Judith is telling there is no sense for NARALO to do this type of survey because it probably will not give a proper information to them. we need to find out the purpose of it in order to move forward with this. Heidi Ullrich: 2010 ALS survey they were asking basic questions about what their areas of interest. There was, also timely, it was when the At-Large improvements were going on so there were some questions on that. And then there was also and whether all RALOs need to do the survey needs to be discussed, as RALOs differ from each other.
- Such survey can be an opportunity to update RALOs' database on ALS primary and secondary contacts. Such survey can also ask questions how RALO leadership can help further engage ALSes and make them more active.
- 2010 ALS survey can be a good reference. It asks about ALSes' areas of interest, questions related to the At-Large improvements, and a subset of questions that Rudi Vansnick made on some ccTLD issues. So what happened after that was that all of the After the survey, RALO Secretariats , and Chairs , and Secretaries did an analysis of each of their RALO’s results and then that was reported back. So it was really a very useful approach, a deep dive into the ALSs.this might be a really useful way to collaborate with the work that the ALS Task Force and the Expectations and Criteria Task Force is carrying out. Olivier Crepin-Leblond: If we did .
- To have a database of the actual knowledge that we have within our community – and not only just the ALS representative, but also within the At-Large Structure – they might have somebody who knows about this specific topic. We could, on a push basis rather than just waiting for someone to answer, we could on a push basis solicit those people and say, “Hey, this is something that is right up your alley and you’ve got the knowledge for this. Could you please spend some time on this?” But at the same time, it would certainly reduce the amount of people that we have to send this out to. At the moment, the way we send our request for comments out to is just by putting on the mailing list, and one of the big concerns that we’ve always received from most of the people that joined our Summit in London was that their mailbox is absolutely filled with virtually every single question possible under the sun, 30, 40 e-mails a week. And often they completely miss out the request for public comments because it’s in the flood of e-mails and so on. It’s really about working smarter and not harder. Now whether we’re able to put together such a database, what the modalities of the database will be, and so on, these are just details. But we have to move forward on this.
- Humberto Carrasco: all RALOs differ in their backgrounds. For instance, in Latin America there are many more lawyers than in other regions, so each region has different numbers of professionals. And we also have experts within our RALOs we are not aware of their assistance. So the more information we have, it is not because we are going to do data trafficking, but we will be able to customize, to personalize, the information, leaving ICANN to the communities. And vice versa, we can leverage the knowledge of the RALO members for the benefit of ICANN.
- Olivier Crepin-Leblond: that the groundwork that is done here can then feed into another recommendation which speaks would be useful, especially in soliciting specific penholders to draft ALAC Statements in response to public comments. This approach would be much better than sending a flood emails, among which public comment related ones often get lost.
- The survey result can potentially feed into ATLAS II Recommendation 26 about the policy management process system improvements, something which is a long-term goal. And there we would be completely redesigning the way that we can carry out policy work in a scalable fashion. The whole idea is to be able to scale this up, with having a blueprint for some kind of an automated system that would make sure that the right information goes to the right people and all according to key words, etc. that the groundwork that is done here can then feed into another recommendation which speaks about the policy management process system, something which is a long-term goal. And there we would be completely redesigning the way that we can carry out policy work in a scalable fashion. The whole idea is to be able to scale this up, with having a blueprint for some kind of an automated system that would make sure that the right information goes to the right people and all according to key words, etc. Siranush Vardanyan: I would be more than happy to run this survey again, and probably to use this opportunity to update our database on ALS primary and secondary contacts as well. So we can put a couple of questions there to identify the expertise, to update our database, and to ask questions how RALO leadership can be helpful with what kind of information, and what do they need to become an active ALS if that’s possible? And based on this we can move forwardRec 26 aims to scale up the policy advice development process by creating an automated system, for example, that would send the right information to the right people according to key words, etc.