No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
38 | ICANN should ensure that its Beginner Guides are easily accessible. | ICANN Staff | TG5 |
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- To discuss this (re online courses) with Jeff Dunn in ICANN 54
- To discuss this (re online courses) with Jeff Dunn in ICANN 54
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- Beginner's Guide need to be refreshed
- At-Large Website Redesign can help make the Guides more accessible
- Online courses are both overwhelmed and underwhelmed. Some of them are very uninteresting to newcomers.
- Need to have someone who have looked through the Guides and take the courses to make judgement call on how to improve the information.
- Jeffrey Dunn is the go-to person for creating/improving ICANN learn courses
Input from Outreach & Engagement Sub-committee: