- Build a storage of graphics and educational resources that accompany ICANN policy issues
- Example: http://www.commoncraft.com/
- Dev Anand Teelucksingh to show the Loomio tool
- Link this recommendation to the progress on the website
- Recognize the efforts on the IANA, Accountability, and WHOIS microsites; similar microsites of other ICANN issues need to be created
- :
- Build a storage of graphics and educational resources that accompany ICANN policy issues - this has been done by the outreach & engagement WG and ICANN
- ICANN should catalog the graphics done for this efforts have a catalog to organize those graphics
- The new At-Large website can potentially promote and link out to those types of graphics and educational resources; the new site also provide provides beginner friendly information on policy issues
- This recommendation should be implemented on an ongoing basis by soliciting feedback from the community
- Some topic-based microsite has already been done by ICANN (e.g. WHOIS, IANA, Accountability)