No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
16 | ICANN needs to improve their direct communications regardless of time zones. | ICANN Board; ICANN GSE Staff | TG2 |
| In Progress |
NotesAction items:
- An absolute increase of the rotation of calls among different time zones; especially the rotation of calls in the IANA CWG, Accountability CCWG, and ICG are supported by our community;
- The At-Large calls are about to rotate to cater to attendees in different time zones
- Making decision within 24hr period is still a challenge
- :
- ATLAS II IT to ask ALT to confirm that there has been a firm commitment re continuing the system of rotation for At-Large calls, webinars, and briefings
- ALAC to ask ICANN Board and GSE Staff to confirm that there has been a firm commitment re continuing the system of rotation for ICANN calls, webinars, and briefings
- An absolute increase of the rotation of calls among different time zones; especially the rotation of calls in the IANA CWG, Accountability CCWG, and ICG are supported by our community;
- The At-Large calls are about to rotate to cater to attendees in different time zones
- Making decision within 24hr period is still a challenge