1. Roll Call/Statements of Interest
2. Review Agenda
3. DT to continue review of table and discussion of possible approaches to the work:
Consider direct decisions by GNSO member groups, instead of Council
For Council, propose voting rules to approve nominations to PTI. CSC, Review Teams, Empowered Community, etc.
For Council, propose voting rules to approve decisions/actions related to the Empowered Community
4. Next steps?
ICANN staff: Julie Hedlund, Mary Wong, Marika Konings, Emily Barabas, Nathalie PeregrineTerri Agnew
Actions/Discussion Notes
Background documents:
ICANN Bylaws - 29 August- GNSO Procedures and Comments Annex D
ICANN Bylaws & GNSO Procedures - updated 29 August - (CLEAN version)
Revised ICANN Bylaws – 14 June – Notes & Comments on Effect on GNSO Procedures