Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO)
- Policy
- Capacity Building
- Whois
- New gTLDs
- Geographic Regions Framework
- Process
- We send various communications to our ALSes encouraging them to contribute to the policy development process.
- There is an issue of limited timing for RALO contributions to Public Comments. Specifically, there are only 21 days for comments and this is simply not enough time.
- There is an issue of communication amongst out members. To help overcome this obstacle we place our Statements on the wiki and ask our members to contribute via commenting.
- We have been focusing on the LAC Strategy.
- Policy
- Access for the Disabled, Indigenous, and Remote Communities
- ICANN Compliance
- Privacy concerns
- Process
- ALS Spotlights on monthly calls are used to help engage new ALSes.
- The active recruitment of new ALSes from areas, communities, and constituencies not yet involved in the process.