- Heidi Ullrich to set up a workspace on the ARPEP to post all the Googles docs from the RALOs on the NomCom Rebalancing issue.
- it was agreed that the RALOs will work on a Cross RALO Response to the correspondence from the ICANN Board Chair. Silvia Vivanco will create a Nomcom Rebalancing Cross RALO Google Doc to incorporate and reflect the feedback from all RALOs.
- The Cross RALO RoundTable Draft proposal 18 September 2023 was agreed by all. All RALO leaders will work jointly on the Cross RALO Roundtable to be held at ICANN 78
- Silvia Vivanco will open a WIKI page on At-Large Anniversary events.
- Silvia Vivanco to invite Sally Casterton to the Regional coordination meeting to be held at ICANN 77.
- Silvia Vivanco to open a Skype chat for the ICANN 25 Anniversary RALO Roundtable organization