Roll call - Staff (2 mins)
Welcome and Aim of Meeting - Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair (3 mins)
Follow up on action Items of last RALO Coordination Call ( 5 mins)
Action on key takeaways and agreements from RALO Coordination meeting at ICANN80
- Notes
ALAC - RALO communications
- We need to have shared expectations/best practices on collaboration and communications with ALAC
- Greg Shatan's suggested : Putting together a list of common written expectations between RALO ALAC representatives and RALOs. Suggestion received support.
- Jonathan Zuck - it is reasonable to treat ALAC members as representative of RALOs. Main reason to have ALAC members in the meetings is to amplify At-Large/ALAC positions where it matters. ALAC members should make regional reports with respect to RALOs policy positions, not with regards to O/E as ALAC is not owed a report.
- Action Items
- Each RALO to to draft written expectations between RALOs and their ALAC representatives to ensure better communication RALO - ALAC and vice versa.
- CROP rules and procedures to to be translated in other languages (FR and ES)- COMPLETED
- Notes
ICANN 81Planning forRALO Coordination Meeting at ICANN 81 (
1525 mins)
Discussion on CIP (10 mins)
- AOB - Amrita Choudhury (5 mins)
- Next call: suggest rotation previously: 1st Tuesday of the month at 13:00 or 14:00 UTCOctober – Tuesday, 1 October – Decide on the date as Amrita will not be available (at inSIG)
- November – F2F ICANN81, Istanbul Meeting
- Next call: suggest rotation previously: 1st Tuesday of the month at 13:00 or 14:00 UTCOctober – Tuesday, 1 October – Decide on the date as Amrita will not be available (at inSIG)