Transcript: EN, ES, FR
1. Welcome and Aim of Call – Satish Babu (3 mins)
2. Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
3. Discussion on CROP and RALO Coordination and Additional Budget Requests – Satish, Heidi, and Mary Wong, Sr. Director, Special Adviser for Strategic Policy Planning (15 mins)
a. See: CROP FY18 Workspace
b. See: CROP Contacts
4. Update and Next Steps on RALO Discretionary Funding Activities – Heidi (10 mins)
a. See: RALO Requests for Funding to support an Outreach Activity
5. Update on RALO Hot topics WGs – RALO Chairs (15 mins) (hyperlink cross-ralo page)
- APRALO (Hot topics will be identified in Abu Dhabi- GA Agenda)
- LACRALO – Update on plans
- NARALO – Update on plans
6. Planning for the RALO Development Session - Hyderabad - 9 November 2016 – Satish and Silvia (10 mins)
a. Suggested topics from August Meeting
i. Human Rights
ii. Privacy (GDPR issues & all what's happening around WHOIS)
iii. Accessibility (CCWP Accessibility)