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Table of Contents


Table of Contents

Volume 12: 15 January

Original link:

An Update on IANA Stewardship Discussions


22 months after the big announcement by NTIA, the transition is within reach 


It has been a full 22 months since NTIA first announced its intention to transition its stewardship of theIANA functions. In that time, the three operational communities (names, numbers, and protocol parameters) have spent thousands of hours meeting, writing and reviewing documents, and reading emails. The combined IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal is ready to be submitted to the ICANNBoard and NTIA, pending the completion of the final report on the Work Stream 1 Recommendations of the CCWG-Accountability.


Note: The last status update on this series of IANA Stewardship Transition updates was published 2 November 2015. This update, therefore, includes major events since that last update.


IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal 


On 30 November 2015, the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) published itsSummary Report on Comments Received during the Public Comment Period on the Combined Transition Proposal


The public comment period for the Proposal to Transition the Stewardship of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Functions from the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to the Global Multistakeholder Communityended on 8 September 2015. 


The ICG is now awaiting confirmation from the Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANAStewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship) that the Work Stream proposal by the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) meets their needs.


IANA Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) 


The CWG-Stewardship is working to finalize its position on IANA IPR. The goal is to find a mutually acceptable way forward on the IPR issue for all three IANA operational communities to allow the IANAStewardship Transition to take place on schedule, in September 2016. In December 2015, the CWG-Stewardship’s Design Team on IPR (DT-IPR) published its latest version of draft principles and requirements to which the two operational communities provided feedback in early January. Following the CWG-Stewardship's confirmation on a position, representatives from each operational community will work together to refine an outcome.


Implementation work 


ICANN is facilitating monthly community discussions and providing implementation preparation updates on Transition Facilitation Calls held between ICANN staff and the leadership teams of the CCWG-Accountability, CWG-Stewardship, CRISP Team, IANAPLAN WG, GNSO, ccNSO, IETF, IAB, and the RIRs. The latest call was held on 13 January 2016. 


To keep up to date with implementation activities, see ICANN’s IANA Stewardship Implementation page.


CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 1 Recommendations


The CCWG-Accountability is currently in the process of finalizing its recommendations for Work Stream 1, following the 8 January 2016 release of the staff report and summary on the public comments received on the 3rd Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations. Between 12 and 21 January, the CCWG-Accountability is conducting a series of readings via teleconference of its revised 12 recommendations. The upcoming teleconferences that will complete the series of readings are:


•    19 January 2016, 12:00-15:00 UTC
•    21 January 2016, 12:00-15:00 UTC


Details of the group’s working methods and time plan for this phase of the proposal finalization are available in this Work Plan


The two recommendations that generated the most feedback in the public comment period, and therefore have required the most significant amounts of discussion amongst the CCWG-Accountability to finalize are:


•    Recommendation #5: Changing aspects of ICANN's Mission, Commitments and Core Values 
•    Recommendation #11: Board obligations with regards to Governmental Advisory Committee Advice (Stress Test 18) 


Consideration of the recommendations By Chartering Organizations  


The CCWG-Accountability has requested that all Chartering Organizations of the CCWG-Accountability indicate whether they support the recommendations in the proposal by 21 January 2015 at the latest. The Chartering Organizations are the GNSO, ALAC, ccNSO, GAC, ASO, and SSAC. The GNSO, ccNSOand GAC are currently working on responses to the CCWG-Accountability.


Timeline for finalization of proposal and submission to the ICANN Board 


The CCWG-Accountability had, at the time of the publication of the 3rd Draft Proposal, planned to complete its final report and send it to the ICANN Board by the end of January 2016. This timeline is likely to be adjusted following feedback from all Chartering Organizations. When feedback is received from all six Chartering Organizations, the CCWG-Accountability will be in a better position to judge how much additional work may be needed to finalize the report and will adjust its timeline for the Work Stream 1 Final Proposal.


Feedback From the CCWG-Accountability’s legal counsel 


Following a teleconference on 8 January 2016 between the CCWG-Accountability co-Chairs and the group’s legal counsel, it was agreed that legal counsel would provide its input on the 12 recommendations in two steps:


•    After the first reading, legal counsel will share high level feedback and/or concerns that could then be discussed as part of the second reading on the recommendation.
•    After the second reading, legal counsel will provide detailed edits where appropriate. If the input would result in a substantial change to a recommendation, there will be a discussion on the CCWG-Accountability mailing list to consider how to proceed with the input. If there is no substantial change involved, the recommendation will be amended to incorporate the legal counsel’s input. 


Drafting of ICANN Bylaws 


On the teleconference on 8 January 2016 between the CCWG-Accountability co-Chairs and the group’s legal counsel, counsel noted that final drafting of the Bylaws, based on the recommendations in the CCWG-Accountability’s final report, would need to be primarily the responsibility of legal counsel. This would then include representatives of the CCWG-Accountability providing an oversight role to ensure the Bylaws meet their requirements, rather than have all members of the CCWG-Accountability participating in line edits of the drafted Bylaws.


The CWG-Stewardship is currently reviewing a draft of the ICANN Bylaws that are to change as a result of the CWG-Stewardship’s requirements. The draft was submitted by the group’s legal counsel on 7 November 2015.



The CCWG-Accountability will meet in Marrakech during ICANN55, but at this point, the main focus of the CCWG’s work in Marrakech is planning Work Stream 2 activities. Work Stream 2 focuses on accountability topics that extend beyond the IANA Stewardship Transition.

Volume 11:  2 November

Original link:

An Update on IANA Stewardship Discussions

Following ICANN54, the IANA Stewardship Transition is now a step closer

The ICG and CCWG-Accountability met in Dublin during ICANN54 to continue work on their proposals in wake of the feedback received during the two public comment periods that ended in September. The ICG was successful in completing its Consolidated IANA Stewardship Proposal and is now awaiting the finalization of the CCWG-Accountability’s Work Stream 1 Recommendations. When CCWG-Accountability finalizes its Work Stream 1 recommendations, and the CWG-Stewardship confirms that the recommendations meet its requirements, the ICGcan consider its proposal complete and begin the process of submitting it to the NTIA.

Consolidated IANA Stewardship Proposal

Taking into account an analysis of the public comments received during the public comment period that ended on 8 September 2015, and after a number of working sessions duringICANN54 in Dublin, the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) has announcedthat it has finalized its proposal. However, before the ICG sends the proposal to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) via the ICANN Board, it will first confirm with the Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship) that its accountability requirements have been met by Work Stream 1 recommendations currently being finalized by the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability).TheICG has decided to keep its mailing lists active until 30 September 2016 to enable the community to continue to contact them, if needed. It is also seeking feedback from the threeIANA operational communities (names, numbers and protocol parameters) to see if they would like ICG to play a role during the implementation of the IANA Stewardship Transition. The ICGwill not hold any more face-to-face meetings and will only hold conference calls on an as-needed basis.

There are still some implementation details to be finalized for the transition, including the issue of the IANA trademark and intellectual property rights (IPR). The CWG-Stewardship will work with the two other operational communities to find a solution to the IPR issue that meets the needs of all three communities.

CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 1 Recommendations

Following the 12 September end of the public comment period for the 2nd Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations, the CCWG-Accountability held a face-to-face meeting, 25-26 September, in Los Angeles, and a number of working sessions in Dublin during ICANN54. As a result of its work to incorporate the feedback from the community, including feedback from the ICANN Board, the CCWG-Accountability made a number of adjustments and refinements to its draft recommendations. As a result of the adjustments, the CCWG-Accountability has decided to send the revised recommendations for a third public comment period.

The third comment period will have a two-stage approach so the community can begin reviewing the materials as soon as possible. This is to enable the report on Work Stream 1 recommendations to be finalized and sent to the ICANN Board by mid January 2016, ensuring there are minimal effects on the timeline of the IANA Stewardship Transition.

Key dates

15 Nov 2015

A high-level overview of Work Stream 1 Recommendations and a summary of changes from the 2nd Draft Proposal to be:

  1. Released for a 35-day public comment period
  2. Sent to the CCWG-Accountability’s Chartering Organizations for their feedback

30 Nov 2015

Full third draft report on Work Stream 1 Recommendations released for 20 days of consultation

Early Jan 2016

Amended report submitted to Chartering Organizations

Mid Jan 2016

Potential face-to-face meeting for Chartering Organizations, if needed, to decide whether to support the report

Mid Jan 2016

CCWG-Accountability to submit final report to the ICANN Board, enabling theICG to also submit its final report

For more information on the amendments that the CCWG-Accountability decided to pursue in Dublin, see the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability ICANN54 co-Chairs' Statement.

IANA Stewardship Transition in the news

Volume 10:  31 August 

Original link:

Deadlines for two key public comment periods fast approaching

The deadlines for the public comment periods for the two proposals that will soon be forwarded to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) are fast approaching, with just over one week left for stakeholders to submit their views on the contents of the proposals:

  1. The Consolidated IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal by the ICG
  2. The 2nd Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations of the CCWG-Accountability

In addition, to enable the community the necessary time to prepare for the transition of stewardship after the proposals have been accepted by the community and NTIA, NTIA has announced that it will extend the IANA Functions Contract with ICANN for one year, ending 30 September 2016.

Consolidated IANA stewardship proposal

The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICGpublic comment period for the Proposal to Transition the Stewardship of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Functions from the U.S. Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to the Global Multistakeholder Community ends on 8 September 2015.

The proposal and the form for submitting comments are now available in all 6 United Nations languages plus Portuguese (see links below). To date, there have been twenty-four responses received. The comment period will close on 8 September 2015.

How to submit a public comment before the 8 September deadline

  1. Use the online form (AR | EN | ES | FR | PT | RU | ZH)
    After you have submitted the form, you will receive an automatically generated email asking you to click a link to confirm your submission. Your comments will then be posted to the archive of public comments.
  2. Send an email to using the optional template (AR | EN | ES |FR | PT | RU | ZH)
    After submitting your comments you will receive two emails: the first confirms receipt of your email; the second confirms your comments have been posted to the comments archive.
    1. IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal: AR | EN | ES | FR | PT | RU | ZH
    2. Call for public comments
    3. Archive of public comments received
    4. Archives of webinar briefings on the proposal:


The public comment period for the 2nd Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations by the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) closes on 12 September 2015. The proposal is now available in all 6 United Nations languages plus Portuguese (see links below). To date, nine public comments have been received. One of the submissions, from theICANN Board, notes that the Board will develop its own set of comprehensive comments and suggestions on the proposal based on:

  • Briefings sought from ICANN's external counsel's inputs on the proposal. The briefing, by Jones Day, has been submitted to the public comment mailing list
  • Analysis by independent third-party experts on governance on the governance impacts of the proposal, including considerations of how the proposal may impact the balance of the stakeholders in the multistakeholder model within ICANN today

A subset of ICANN Board members met with ICANN staff members during the week of 24 August to discuss the CCWG-Accountability proposal. Following this, two teleconferences were organized for the CCWG-Accountability and the ICANN Board to discuss the proposal in more detail. The first teleconference will be held on 31 August, where the CCWG-Accountability will brief the Board on the 2nd draft proposal. The second teleconference, to be held 2 September, will be an opportunity for the Board to share its feedback on the proposal. Observers can listen in to the teleconference via Adobe Connect.

The Board will submit additional comments based on the above inputs to the public comment forum before the comment period ends. Meanwhile, the CCWG-Accountability's legal counsel, Sidley Austin and Adler & Colvin, are conducting a preliminary review of the Jones Day briefing, and hope to submit the preliminary review to the CCWG-Accountability on 1 September.

How to submit a public comment before the 12 September deadline

  1. Consider the CCWG-Accountability's three questions when developing your submissions
  • Do you agree that the CCWG-Accountability proposal enhances ICANN's accountability?
  • Are there elements of this proposal that would prevent you from approving it transmission to Chartering Organizations?
  • Does this proposal meet the requirements set forward by the CWG-Stewardship?
  1. Send an email to
    When you receive an automatically generated email asking you to confirm your submission, please follow the instructions in the email to ensure your comments are submitted to the archive of public comments.
  2. 2nd Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations: AR | EN | ES | FR | PT | RU | ZH
  3. Call for public comments
  4. Archive of public comments received
  5. Archives of webinar briefings on the proposal:

Key links

Extension of IANA Functions Contract

On 17 August, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIAannounced that it had informed the U.S. Congress that it planned to extend the IANA Functions Contract with ICANN for one year until September 30, 2016. In the announcement, NTIA explains that:

"Beyond 2016, we have options to extend the contract for up to three additional years if needed. This one-year extension will provide the community with the time it needs to finish its work."

IANA-related intellectual property rights

An area of ongoing discussion related to the ICG's Consolidated IANA Stewardship Proposal has to do with the future of where the IANA-related trademarks and domain names will be held – referred to in the discussions as the IANA IPR. Of the three operational community proposals, only the numbering resources community, in its proposal developed by the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal Team (CRISP Team), documented a concrete suggestion for keeping the holder of IANA's IPR separate from the operator of IANA functions. The CRISP Team proposal states:

"It is the preference of the Internet Number Community that the IANA trademark and theIANA.ORG domain name be transferred to an entity independent of the IANA Numbering Services Operator, in order to ensure that these assets are used in a non-discriminatory manner for the benefit of the entire community. From the Internet Number Community's perspective, the IETFTrust would be an acceptable candidate for this role."

The protocol parameters community, via the IANAPLAN working group, found this an acceptable way forward and the IETF Trust confirmed it was willing to take on the task, if requested. The names community proposal, developed by the Cross Community Working Group Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship), did not contain any specific proposal about how to handle the IPR. On 15 August, the ICANN Board announced that ICANN is:

"…Prepared to transfer full ownership of the IANA-related trademarks to a neutral third party mutually agreed among the operational communities with the understanding that ICANN, as the current IANA Functions Operator, will be granted license to those trademarks and ICANN will maintain operational control of the IANA.ORG domain for as long as ICANN remains the IANAFunctions Operator."

On their 20 August call, the CWG-Stewardship agreed that the IANA IPR can be held a by neutral third party. The CWG-Stewardship sees its position on the IANA IPR as consistent with the other two proposals. Requirements for the neutral third party can be coordinated with the other communities in implementation. The CWG-Stewardship committed to issuing a statement before the close of the ICGpublic comment.

Drafting of updated ICANN Bylaws

Both the proposals of the CWG-Stewardship and the CCWG-Accountability include changes to ICANN's Bylaws. Below is a summary of the most recent developments:

  • On 11 August, Sidley Austin sent the CWG-Stewardship a draft matrix of ICANN Bylaws, designated and set out in the CWG-Stewardship Final Proposal.
  • On 19 August, the co-Chairs of the CCWG-Accountability formally requested ICANN's general counsel, John Jeffrey, to begin working with the CCWG-Accountability's external counsel to draft language to include the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC) reviews into ICANN Bylaws, as defined by the CCWG-Accountability and in line with the agreed-upon process (see attached for full reference).

IANA stewardship in the news

Upcoming key dates

1 Sep 2015

CCWG-Accountability teleconference #51, 12:00 UTC

2 Sep 2015

CCWG-Accountability dialogue with ICANN Board, 22:00-1:00 UTC

3 Sep 2015

CWG-Stewardship Teleconference #6411:00-13:00 UTC

8 Sep 2015

CCWG-Accountability teleconference #52, 19:00 UTC


Public Comment Period on ICG's IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal closes

10 Sep 2015

ICG teleconference #22, 5:00-06:30 UTC

12 Sep 2015

Public Comment Period for CCWG-Accountability's 2nd draft of ICANNaccountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) closes

15 Sep 2015

CCWG-Accountability teleconference #53, 6:00 UTC

17 Sep 2015

CWG-Stewardship teleconference #65, 17:00-19:00 UTC

18-19 Sep 2015

ICG Face-to-Face Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA

23 Sep 2015

ICG teleconference #23, 11:00-12:30 UTC

30 Sep-15 Oct 2015

CCWG-Accountability's 2nd and final proposal (Work Stream 1) presented toALAC, ASO, ccNSO, GAC and GNSO for their approval.

7 Oct 2015

ICG teleconference #24, 19:00-20:30 UTC

18-22 Oct 2015

ICANN 54 including: ICG Face-to-Face meeting and presentation of proposals forIANA stewardship and ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) to theICANN Board for subsequent transmission to the NTIA

Week 1, Nov 2015

ICANN Board transmits IANA stewardship transition and ICANN accountability (Work Stream 1) proposals to NTIA

Volume 9:  07 August

Original link:


A major milestone reached as two key proposals open for public comment

The transition of IANA's stewardship is now another step nearer as two key proposals are opened for public comment:

  • The Consolidated IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal by the ICG
  • The 2nd Draft Report on Work Stream 1 Recommendations by the CCWG-Accountability

The final version of both these proposals will eventually be submitted to the ICANN Board of Directors, who will transfer them to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). More information on these proposals, and how you can comment on their contents, is below.

Consolidated IANA stewardship transition proposal now open for public comment

On 31 July, the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICGannounced the start of the public comment period for the Proposal to Transition the Stewardship of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Functions from the U.S. Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to the Global Multistakeholder Community. The proposal consists of the three proposals that have already reached consensus among the Domain Names, Numbering Resources and Protocol Parameters communities, as well as a report by the ICG, which includes an assessment of whether the three proposals:

  • Were developed using open and inclusive community processes, and whether they achieved consensus;
  • Are complete and clear;
  • Are compatible and interoperable, provide appropriate and properly supported accountability mechanisms, and are workable; and
  • Together meet the NTIA's criteria.

The ICG notes that as the proposals have already undergone extensive public comment and discussionamongst the three operational communities, this public comment period is focused on how the three proposals work together as a whole and how it fares against the criteria established by NTIA for the transition.

The proposal will be available for public comment for 40 days. Following community input during the comment period, the ICG will decide whether to recommend that NTIA approve the transition proposal.

The proposal will be available shortly in all six official United Nations (UN) languages and Portuguese, but is currently only available in English. The news release about the proposal, however, is available now in these seven languages, with all translations linked from the English version.

Key links

How to submit a public comment

You can comment on the proposal, taking into account the ICG's 12 questions, by 8 September 2015, 23:59 UTC (convert to your time zone). Comments can be submitted in one of two ways:

After you have submitted the form, you will receive an automatically generated email asking you to click a link to confirm your submission. Your comments will then be posted to the archive of public comments.

You may wish to use this template for your response. After submitting your comments you will receive two emails: the first confirms receipt of your email; the second confirms your comments have been posted to the comments archive.

To help better understand the contents and context of the draft proposal, you may wish to join one of thetwo following webinars live:

  • 6 August, 19:00 – 20:30 UTC (time zone converter here)
  • 7 August, 11:00 – 12:30 UTC (time zone converter here)

The webinars will also be live interpreted in the six UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) and Portuguese and the recording posted shortly afterward. The transcript will also be translated and posted after the webinars.


On 3 August, the Cross-Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) released its 2nd Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations. Since the first version of the proposal was released on 4 May, the CCWG-Accountability has taken a very open and agile approach to finding creative solutions to problems identified in previous iterations of their proposals. The second version also addresses a number of outstanding issues not fully fleshed out in the first draft. The most significant changes between the two drafts are:

  • Mechanism to empower the ICANN community

The mechanism has undergone significant changes: in the May draft, there were two alternatives presented – member model and delegate model; following feedback received during the public comment period, the CCWG-Accountability brainstormed alternatives at ICANN53 in June, resulting in the development of an Empowered SO/AC model. Resulting from subsequent discussions at a face-to-face meeting in Paris in July, this second draft proposal presents the Community Mechanism as Sole Member Model.

  • Four additional stress tests

The new stress tests have been added following suggestions contained in the Larry Strickling's 16 June blog post on the NTIA website.

  • Refinements to key elements contained in the first draft

These refinements include:

  • ICANN Mission & Core Values
  • Removal of individual ICANN Board Directors and recall of the entire Board
  • Independent Review Process
  • Community power regarding ICANN's budget
  • Work plan for Work Stream 2 (including adding a commitment to human rights in the ICANNBylaws)
  • Implementation plan for Work Stream 1

The proposal also includes "minority views", which are statements by CCWG-Accountability members and participants who object to recommendations contained in the report. Additional minority views received after 1 August will be available here.

The proposal will be available for public comment for 40 days.

After the public comment period closes, the CCWG-Accountability aims to finalize its Work Stream 1 proposal for submission to its Chartering Organizations (GNSO, ALAC, ccNSO, GAC, ASO and SSAC) and then to the ICANN Board of Directors during or shortly after ICANN54 in Dublin. The proposal will then be submitted to the NTIA, along with the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal. After Work Stream 1 is completed, the CCWG-Accountability will focus on Work Stream 2, which consists of accountability enhancements that do not need to be in place for the IANA stewardship transition to occur.

Key links

How to submit a public comment

You can comment on the proposal by 12 September 2015, 23:59 UTC (convert to your time zone).

  • Consider the CCWG-Accountability's three questions when developing your submissions:
  • Do you agree that the CCWG-Accountability proposal enhances ICANN's accountability?
  • Are there elements of this proposal that would prevent you from approving it transmission to Chartering Organizations?
  • Does this proposal meet the requirements set forward by the CWG-Stewardship?
  • Send an email to

To help better understand the contents and context of the draft proposal, you may wish to join one of thetwo following webinars live:

  • 4 August, 19:00 – 21:00 UTC (time zone converter here)
  • 7 August, 7:00 – 9:00 UTC (time zone converter here)

The webinars will also be live interpreted in the six UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) and Portuguese and the recording posted shortly afterward. The transcript will also be translated and posted after the webinars.

IANA stewardship in the news

4 Aug 2015

Netzverwaltung ICANN: Finaler Entwurf für künftige Aufsicht der DNS-Rootzone, Heise Online [DE]

3 Aug 2015

ICANN posts proposal to end US oversight of Internet, Agence France-Presses (AFP)
Especialistas em Internet enviam esboço para EUA cederem supervisão de domínios, Reuters Brasil [PT]
Keeping Internet open and free, The Malaysian Insider [EN]

30 Jul 2015

How Congress Can Halt Government Control of the Internet, The Daily Signal [EN]

20 Jul 2015

IANA TRANSITION e ICANN ACCOUNTABILITY: De onde viemos e para onde vamos?, Observatório da Internet no Brasil [PT]

Upcoming key dates

4 Aug 2015

Webinar: CCWG-Accountability 2nd draft of ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) proposal

6 Aug 2015

Webinar: ICG IANA Stewardship Transition proposal

7 Aug 2015

Webinar: ICG IANA Stewardship Transition proposal


Webinar: CCWG-Accountability 2nd draft of ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) proposal

8 Sep 2015

Public Comment Period on ICG's IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal closes

12 Sep 2015

Public Comment Period for CCWG-Accountability's 2nd draft of ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) closes

18-19 Sep 2015

ICG Face-to-Face Meeting, Los Angeles

30 Sep-15 Oct 2015

CCWG-Accountability's 2nd and final proposal (Work Stream 1) presented to ALAC, ASO,ccNSO, GAC and GNSO for their approval.

18-22 Oct 2015

ICANN 54 inc. ICG Face-to-Face meeting and presentation of proposals for IANAstewardship and ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) to the ICANNBoard for subsequent transmission to the NTIA.

Week 1, Nov 2015

ICANN Board transmits IANA stewardship transition and ICANN accountability (Work Stream 1) proposals to NTIA.


Volume 8: 23 July

Original post here:


An Update on IANA Stewardship Discussions


During ICANN 52 in Singapore, between 6 and 12 February, more than 41 hours were spent on discussions around the IANA stewardship transition and related ICANN accountability processes. The discussions consisted of:
