Sub-Group Members: Adam Smith, Elaine Pruis, Elise Gerich, Jeff Neuman, Jeffrey Eckhaus, Kim Davies, Patricio Poblete, Paul Kane
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Bernie Turcotte, Grace Abuhamad, Brenda Brewer
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
- The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p200gb00kue/
- The audio recording is available here:
Proposed Agenda:
1) Introduction/Overview of where we are – Paul Kane
2) High Level Review of the document (WORD):
- Comments by Kim
- Comments by Adam
3) Review of EXCELL Spreadsheet developed by Kim of remaining outstanding issues for the SLE with Adam’s comments – Joint review with the DTA/SLE Group
4) Anything else that should be covered?
5) Next Steps / Ideas???
- Private session with SLE Sub Group to review recommendations
- Finish SLE Document – Jay to lead if possible as Adam needs to step back.
Action Items
DTA_SLE_Outstanding_Issues_AS Response.pdf
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (8/17/2015 12:40) Welcome to the SLE-WG Meeting on 17 August @ 18:00 UTC.
Bart Boswinkel (staff): (12:59) Hi all
Bart Boswinkel (staff): (12:59) Just in listening mode
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (13:01) hi all
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (13:03) 18:00
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (13:03) UTC
Grace Abuhamad: (13:10) This is also unsynced so you can scroll through and zoom in using the controls at the bottom of the screen
Grace Abuhamad: (13:11) I uploaded a "clean" version, but the version circulated by Paul last week had track changes.
Paul Kane: (13:14) Thanks Grace
Grace Abuhamad: (13:15) Brenda is uploading the documents to the Wiki so that they are easily downloadable and accessible. Will post the link here shortly.
elise gerich (epg): (13:25) text from c) C. For the purposes of designing the Service Level Expectations, the current process is simplified to six key stages for all change requests (notification is implicit in each stage):a. Accept change request submissions from customers;b. Verify the change passes documented technical verification checks;c. Obtain consent from relevant contacts to proceed with the change;d. Verify the change request meets policy and procedural requirements;e. Obtain authorization from NTIA to proceed with the change;f. Implement the change and notify the change requester of completion of the change.
elise gerich (epg): (13:30) that text is copied from the word document
Kim Davies: (13:30) Tech check is (b)
Paul Kane: (13:31) Thanks Elise. I am trying to understand why it is dropped from SLE
Kim Davies: (13:34) Its worth considering whether it passes or fails doens't impact the SLE, it only impacts whether it needs to be remediated, which is customer time so not subject to having an SLE
elise gerich (epg): (13:36) Paul, re your question about why dropped from SLE - perhaps we should go back to the principles to see how relevant this process step is.
Kim Davies: (13:36) "Time for root zone changes to be published following completion of validations and reviews by IANA Functions Operator" is the measure for "Verisign" time
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (13:41) reminder - if you have completed your question please lower your hand
Kim Davies: (13:42) Patricio's concrete suggestion is to add a new assumption that all IANA processing time is accounted for
Patricio Poblete: (13:43) Correct
Patricio Poblete: (13:43) I was assuming this was so, but it would be good to make it explicit
elise gerich (epg): (13:45) Patricio, I think it is explicit in the principle #2 - Overall times.
elise gerich (epg): (13:45) 2. Overall times. Notwithstanding the previous principle, there is value in overall metrics being reported to identify general trends associated with end-to-end processing times.
Patricio Poblete: (13:47) Not sure "overall metrics" is equivalent or includes that
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (13:52) sorry Jeff killed your hand
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (13:52) re-raising
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (13:52) no problem
Grace Abuhamad: (13:55) Dear all -- Need to drop off to join another call. Bernie and Brenda will support the rest of the call.
Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:56) What if something that today seems abnormal, tomorrow becomes the norm? I am assuming that the review process can move a category V into another catergory
Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:56) which can have an SLE
Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (13:57) +1 I want to know when i'm dealing with an outlier
Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (13:58) ( I mean to say, if my case doesn't fit in 1-4 according to SLEs) I want to see that status. Yes what Kim said :)
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (13:59) Paul the call was scheduled for 1 hour which we are coming up to - we have the possibility to extend if the group wishes it- please advise
Kim Davies: (13:59) I can do 30 mins
Brenda Brewer: (13:59) That is fine here.
Patricio Poblete: (13:59) No problem here
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (13:59) i can go another 15 -30 minutes
elise gerich (epg): (13:59) Yes, I can do 30 min
Paul Kane: (14:00) Thanks all
Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (14:05) measure it, the small amount of time will help the overall average ;)
Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (14:07) But is "all other" held to an SLE
Kim Davies: (14:08) Yes!
Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (14:09) ok....if "all other" has the SLE, I am not as concerned about have an SLE for all of the component parts of the "all other"
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (14:10) sorry , no strong opinion here either - i defer to the majority
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (14:15) All - need to drop off the call. thanks for all the hard work on this
Paul Kane: (14:15) Thanks Jeff
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (14:17) we have a call potentiaqlly scheduled for 18:00 UTC tomorrow (same time as today) - shall we agree to meet at that time
Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (14:18) I need to drop as well. Lets do the call tomorrow as scheduled
Paul Kane: (14:19) ok - thanks Jeff
Kim Davies: (14:22) Sorry Adam for attributing them to you :)
Kim Davies: (14:28) Its worth noting that IANA is required to provide audit data to allow others to calculate things.
Patricio Poblete: (14:29) I agree with Kim on this.
elise gerich (epg): (14:29) Thank you for the support, Patricio on #15.
Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (14:31) excellent call thanks much
Patricio Poblete: (14:31) Good bye everyone
bart Boswinkel (staff): (14:32) Paul soem have already indicated they want a call
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (14:32) bye all
Kim Davies: (14:32) cheers