Sub-Group Members: Adam Smith, Elaine Pruis, Elise Gerich, Jeff Neuman, Jeffrey Eckhaus, Kim Davies, Patricio Poblete, Paul Kane
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Bernie Turcotte, Grace Abuhamad, Brenda Brewer
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
- The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
- The audio recording is available here:
Proposed Agenda:
1) Introduction/Overview of where we are – Paul Kane
2) High Level Review of the document (WORD):
- Comments by Kim
- Comments by Adam
3) Review of EXCELL Spreadsheet developed by Kim of remaining outstanding issues for the SLE with Adam’s comments – Joint review with the DTA/SLE Group
4) Anything else that should be covered?
5) Next Steps / Ideas???
- Private session with SLE Sub Group to review recommendations
- Finish SLE Document – Jay to lead if possible as Adam needs to step back.
Action Items
DTA_SLE_Outstanding_Issues_AS Response.pdf