Members: Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Donna Austin, Eduardo Diaz, Elise Lindeberg, Graeme Bunton, Greg Shatan, Jaap Akkerhuis, Jonathan Robinson, Lise Fuhr, Olivier Crepin-LeBlond, Paul Kane, Staffan Jonson (13)
Participants: Alan Greenberg, Allan McGillivray, Andrew Sullivan, Brenden Kuerbis, Chuck Gomes, Gary Campbell, Greg DiBiase, Jian-Chuan Chang, Jorge Cancio, Kurt Pritz, Maarten Simon, Markus Kummer, Paul Szyndler, Pitinan Kooarmornpatana, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Stephanie Duchesneau, Suzanne Wolff, Wanawit Ahkuputra (18)
Legal Counsel: Edward McNicholas, Sharon Flanagan, Tennie Tam
Apologies: Andrew Sullivan Bart Boswinkel, Bernard Turcotte, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Marika Konings
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Proposed Agenda
1. Opening Remarks
2. Outreach Efforts
a. Recent Webinars
b. Upcoming Webinars
c. Outreach to IANAPLAN & CRISP
d. CCWG-Accountability Coordination
e. Members' outreach summary
3. Status of Proposal and Open Issues
a. Submission to FY16 Budget & Operating Plan Public Comment Period
b. DT-A on SLEs
c. DT-F on Root Zone Environment Relationships
d. PTI Board Composition
e. Section IV (Cheryl update)
f. Other issues?
4. CCWG-Accountability Dependencies
5. AOB
6. Closing Remarks
Action Items
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (4/30/2015 05:40) Good Day everyone! Welcome to the CWG IANA Meeting #43 on 30 April 2015.
Andrew Sullivan: (05:53) Hi there. I'll only be here for half an hour or so, as I have a 13:00 meeting I have to go to
Andrew Sullivan: (05:53) (You should list me as "regrets", I think.)
Jonathan Robinson: (05:56) Hello All. Thanks for making an early start Sharon!
Grace Abuhamad: (05:58) @andrew, even if you atttend for just 30min, we list you as present. if you want to be listed as an apology, we can do that for you ...
jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): (05:59) Hi everyone!
Bernard Turcotte - staff support: (05:59) good morning all
Amrita: (05:59) Hi everyone
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC) (SSAC): (05:59) Hi all.
Allan MacGillivray: (05:59) Good morning/afternoon to everyone
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (06:01) Hi all...
Lise Fuhr: (06:01) Hello all
Staffan Jonson: (06:02) Hello All
Andrew Sullivan: (06:02) @grace up to you. I'll probably make 35 mins or so, but it looks from the agenda like the meat will only just be started then
Grace Abuhamad: (06:05) 3 comments :
Bernard Turcotte - staff support: (06:05) 3 so far
Staffan Jonson: (06:06) Some positive feed back on proposal 2 beeing easier
Staffan Jonson: (06:06) easier to read
Grace Abuhamad: (06:07) Webinar slides and transcripts etc:
Brenden Kuerbis: (06:12) Hi everyone
Elise Lindeberg GAC: (06:20) We have had many GAC members following the CWG webinars - expect many will attend on the 6 and 7th - We will also have two GAC conferences on CWG proposal on the 5th of May
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (06:20) Yes Alan thought it went well also...
Grace Abuhamad: (06:21) Good one Avri. I should have added that
Jonathan Robinson: (06:21) The presentation / slides from Xplane are helpful including the fact that they are not "standard" powerpoint type slides but rather assist explanation and discussion
Grace Abuhamad: (06:21) Thanks Elise for GAC update.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (06:22) hard to hear you Donna
Avri Doria: (06:22) Yeah Grace, we would not have had slides without your last minute help.
Elise Lindeberg GAC: (06:22) good luck :)
Elise Lindeberg GAC: (06:23) wrong chat....
Staffan Jonson: (06:23) We're also having a local 'Swedish' coordination meeting in a week or so, with representatives from CWG, CRIPS, ICG, & GAC etc.
Lise Fuhr: (06:24) Yes very good to hear about all the different kind of outreach that has been done - Thank you
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (06:28) @ Olivier: The language is exactly what is in the draft proposal.
Grace Abuhamad: (06:28) @Olivier -- this text has been in the proposal for a few weeks now. Are you suggesting an edit to proposal text?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (06:28) @Chuck: yes I noticed - sorry I did not poin this out earlier. It might be a measure of context
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (06:30) it's not big deal
Lise Fuhr: (06:30) I agree let's stick to the text as in the proposal
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (06:30) Happy with the rest of the Statement. Well done!
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (06:34) The slow responsiveness on the SLE issue by ICANN staff (legal or whoevery) is very disappointing.
Avri Doria: (06:34) This difficulty getting access to a document seems rather unseemly.
Avri Doria: (06:34) and very inappropriate
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (06:36) Very inappropriate and surprising considering that ICANN staff appear to want this process to be timely.
Andrew Sullivan: (06:36) I'm afraid I must drop now. Bye all
Avri Doria: (06:36) wonder where the holdup is? how far up the chain does such a request have to go?
Staffan Jonson: (06:39) Just by quriousity: Why are they deemed secret? What info need to be safeguarded, and from what?
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (06:40) @ Jonathan & Lise: I wonder if it might help for you as chairs to escalate the SLE issue as you see fit?
Lise Fuhr: (06:41) @Chuck we will consider doing so
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (06:42) Regarding confidential IANA reports, can't registry names and strings simply be redacted?
Alan Greenberg: (06:44) Chuck, I am pretty sure based on what I have been told that redacting registry names would not be sufficient to mask the event. The question is to what extent is it impotant that some entity outside of IANA itself really needs those reports.
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (06:45) @ Alan: To the extent that such reports relate to IANA performance, they are important.
Avri Doria: (06:46) It may be necessary to change the format of report IANA does going forward but in the meantime they should be allowed to inform this work to avoid slipping shceudles because of intransigence.
Donna Austin, RySG: (06:49) Happy to help on overlap with DT C
Staffan Jonson: (06:51) Thanks Donna, so am I if I can help. Should we use the DT lists?
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC): (06:56) @Alan, burning the ICANN candle at both ends?
Donna Austin, RySG: (06:57) I don't understand what that means: PTI should hold the contracts.
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (06:58) Be the party to the contract
Staffan Jonson: (07:00) I also hear concern voiced within GAC community on how PTI board is populated.
Suzanne Woolf: (07:00) In the case of the IETF at least, I'm not sure how much interest there is in "accountability" of ICANN even if it holds the contract; the ability to terminate the contract has been in the past seen as all the accountability they need from ICANN, and they maintain accountability to their community for decisions about the protocol parameters registries.
Brenden Kuerbis: (07:00) Good point that SOs could select board member(s) to both ICANN _and_ PTI boards. They are focused on different aspects of naming (policy and implementation, respectively)
Staffan Jonson: (07:01) Especially since Authorization function is fading away...
Maarten Simon, SIDN: (07:02) +1 Lise
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC): (07:07) Could it make sense for the NomCom to select some or all members of the PTI Board?
Donna Austin, RySG: (07:08) If, and I don't know that I agree with this premise yet, but if the community was to appoint some Board members then the NomCom may be the best vehicle to do this.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (07:08) +1 Greg: the symbolism of the PTI Board is large
Lise Fuhr: (07:09) A good point Avri
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (07:09) Jonathan: it is going to be ALL about politics and optics.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (07:09) Sorry -
Maarten Simon, SIDN: (07:10) The function should be entirely functional/operational
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC): (07:10) I see the symbolism being about accountability and transfer to the global multistakeholder community. I think that may go deeper than politics and optics. But I agree that function should not be sacrificed to symbolism.
Staffan Jonson: (07:11) Oliver: +1 and that is exctly why we need to consider GAc:s headaches (as we did with the US congress headache). In all other aspects I'm happy with Lises approach
Staffan Jonson: (07:11) And Maartens ;-)
Avri Doria: (07:11) AOB: I have 2 issues for 'other issues'. one related to CCWG and AOC- type reviews and one about post IFR separability process
Donna Austin, RySG: (07:11) So, initially that is a CSC discussion with the PTI
Donna Austin, RySG: (07:12) My understanding is that the existence of the PTI doesn't change organisational structure that currently exists.
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (07:12) @Alan - agree scenario planning will help advise the decision
Brenden Kuerbis: (07:13) OTOH, what if ICANN is sending policy decisions that put at risk stability of IANA? How do we ensure that PTI board can refuse (under limited circumstances) to implement?
Maarten Simon, SIDN: (07:14) @Donna: it does change if the board will be non ICANN
Donna Austin, RySG: (07:14) @Maarten: agree, I'm personally not convinced yet that the Board needs to be non-ICANN
Jonathan Robinson: (07:16) @Brenden. Your question assumes a role for the board. If one assumes no functional or operational role for the PTI board, how might your concern be otherwise dealt with using entities or mechanisms currently proposed?
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (07:17) The concern is dealt with through the ICANN accountability mechanisms - e.g., Board recall (which has a deterrent effect even if never exercised)
Alan Greenberg: (07:18) A really minimal PTI Board implies that there *IS* a management "function" or "committee" on the other side of the wall - ie ICANN, and so far we have not designed such agroup.
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (07:20) Even if ICANN appoints the directors, the community could the dictate titles of the ICANN individuals who would serve., ensuring they are the right individuals with oversight on IANA
Brenden Kuerbis: (07:21) @Joanathan Ideally, ICANN policy process addresses these concerns, so no need for PTI board role. Ultimately, as Sharon suggests ICANN board recall.
Brenden Kuerbis: (07:23) I thought the idea on list of ASO, IETF liaison and SOs appointments to PTI Board makes sense. Grounds the PTI board in 3 communities, focused on operational concerns.
Lise Fuhr: (07:23) @Cheryl thank you so much - that sounds great!
Avri Doria: (07:23) but of course people have to review the wwords in the CCWG report to make sure they think so too.
Lise Fuhr: (07:24) @Avri - Yes
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (07:24) @Cheryl: that's reassuring
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:24) What niot just totally trust my judgement and yours Avri :-)
Avri Doria: (07:24) i don trust it that much.
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC): (07:24) I guess if there are two of you that is multistakeholder.
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (07:25) @ Greg: It's not gender diversie. :)
Elise Lindeberg GAC: (07:26) Must drop of now - have a nice weekend
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:26) reminder the Wiki for the Stress Tests is open to all to contribute and indeed the weekly telecinferences of the Stress test Working Party of the CCWG are also open and your alll welcome to join (noting many of you already do attend of couse :-) this meeting is hels Tue at 1100 UTC
Alan Greenberg: (07:28) To reply to Sharon a screen up, yes, ICANN could identify the "right" people to the PTI Board, but one of the reasons we started on this path to a separate IANA corp was to ensure a level of independance from ICANN.
Brenda Brewer: (07:28) @ Cheryl: Stress Tests Meetings are Wednesdays at 11:00 UTC
Lise Fuhr: (07:29) @Elise you too
Donna Austin, RySG: (07:30) @Alan, I'm not sure I agree with your point about a 'level of independence from ICANN'. I think there was an intention to formalise the separation of IANA from policy, but I don't agree with level of independence.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:31) Thanks Brenda I always just think of the world as a day behind us here in the antipodeas but at that point in the time cycle yes we are the same day (sorry ) if in doubbt check with Brenda :-)
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (07:32) @Avri - could bifurcate this and have AoC non-fundamental and IFR as fundamental
Avri Doria: (07:36) Sharon, ok, but there is the commonality between all of theose reviews. To complicate things. In CCWG i am going to request that at least ATRT type review be fundamental as well.
Brenden Kuerbis: (07:37) Great point, that has been conveyed to CCWG?
Alan Greenberg: (07:37) @Sharon, yes, I just used budget veto as an example.
Brenden Kuerbis: (07:37) yes
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (07:37) Thanks Alan. Understood. Since CCWG has been focused on budget/strategic plan as places for veto, just wanted to highlight that CWG needs one more veto right
Lise Fuhr: (07:37) Yes we can discuss today
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:42) agree with that plan Chuck / Avri
Lise Fuhr: (07:49) OK I am fine with that
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:49) thanks everyone .... good call... talk again soon... Bye or now...
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (07:49) Thanks all.
Lise Fuhr: (07:49) THank you all and bye
Staffan Jonson: (07:49) Thank You all
markus kummer: (07:49) Thanks and good-bye -- good call!
Brenden Kuerbis: (07:49) Thanks everyone.
Maarten Simon, SIDN: (07:49) thanks
Bernard Turcotte - staff support: (07:49) bye all
Sivasubramanian M: (07:50) Thanks All.
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC) (SSAC): (07:50) Bye
Allan MacGillivray: (07:50) Bye all