Sub-Group Members: Martin Boyle, Donna Austin, Kurt Pritz, Kim Davies, Staffan Jonson, Sarah Falvey, Stephanie Duchesneau
Staff: Berry Cobb, Bernard Turcotte
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p7t5cov86vo/
The audio recording is available here:
Proposed Agenda
1) DT-A IANA Service Level Expectation (Paul )
2) DT-M Escalation (Chuck)
3) DT-N Periodic Review of IANA Functions (Avri)
4) Review DT-C latest draft
Discussion of CWG Call 2 Apr:
- presentation/status of Design Teams
- mention of relationship of DT-C with DT-M
- Template for DT output
- DT-C Development of Charter
- DTs due on 10 Apr, High Intensity work on 13,14 Apr
- Discussion of DT-A SLE documentation and understand input from IANA
- DT-A Standalone work? Discussion with IANA for any agreed upon SLAs
- Is DT-A the negotiator for SLAs? Should be result of negotiation between RyOs and IANA
- Assumption that future SLAs negotiated between CSC and IANA
- DT-A should perhaps include content on how future Service Levels be addressed; Current DT-C report does have content on how to address Service Levels going forward;
Chat TranscriptBernie, as DT-A staff lead, will take this issue to DT-A
2) DT-M Escalation
- Keep what we have - CWC and IANA in cases of remediation
- Three parallel processes; will be included in proposal
- 1st process - Emergency
- 2nd process Customer Svc Complain Process
- 3rd escalation to CSC
- Specify in detail the triggers for escalation
- Reference to Kurts work, ID of triggers is more detailed; illustrative and negotiated with IANA as to how that would work.
- CSC version will take escalation to a certain point; if CSC believes of poor performance
- Two process overlapping; 1) something gone wrong 2) service complaint resolution process (CSC mediating) 3) escalation, but not to whom, but CSC used as a mediator; Issue with committee of four worthy people having to perform mediation is a big task.
- Remedial action is missing (Annex Z, point 1) - Ensure DT-M, this is not a part of CSC. CSC be made aware of the issue; provide instruction and plan to be delivered within "x" timeframe.
- Assuming CSC is minimal organization; purely technical ops; still might require effort to handle escalations
- Still unclear if there will be an MRT
- Caution as to not to tailor task to fit organization. If CSC not a part of escalation, then where it will it go?
- MB vision of CSC day to day monitoring process; if threshold breach, would alert ccNSO/GNSO as necessary. Use the SOs to trigger certain
accountability mechanisms.
3) DT-N Periodic Review of IANA Function
- DT-N has not really started; 1st meeting will be scheduled early next week
- SD to integrate DT-C concepts into DT-N where appropriate
- DT-N assumption that it will be a multi-stakholder body that would cover the review
- How should review team be formed and constituted?
- Concern - CSC primary role to monitor performance; unsure if CSC will be well equipped to do that from a resourcing perspective & work output perspective. This effort is yet to be sized. Periodic review could be significant amount of work; MB agrees that CSC not perform peridoc review
- Role of CSC provides information, perhaps into AoC type of review process that could be multi-stakeholder; flag as way forwards; SF agrees with approach; some piece of the periodic reviews does need to be MS.
4) DT-C Document:
- DT-C to develop Charter; seeking appropriate template
- Should include bit on how escalation process flows through CSC
- Discussion of Changes in latest version
ACTION: Determine what expertise may be required to sit on CSC
Final draft for Monday, call on Tuersday to wrap it up.
Action Items
ACTION: Bernie, as DT-A staff lead, will take this issue to DT-A
ACTION: Determine what expertise may be required to sit on CSC
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer:Welcome to the DT-C Meeting on 2 April at 14:00 UTC.
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:hiho
Martin Boyle, Nominet:Hello!
Martin Boyle, Nominet:From a sunny, spring-like UK
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:yes Kurt
Kurt Pritz:"spring-like" - it's not quite spring, is it?
staffan Jonson:Staffan Jonson
staffan Jonson:Hi all
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:We just had the results and it has been the coldest February on record for Québec city for the last 115 years!
staffan Jonson:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c7s2Ff0Mm3v6mLDsbJmkGOk30T4hCyIHuMmEBai5E9E/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs
staffan Jonson:That is v 7
Berry Cobb:Thank you Staffan.
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:yes
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:sorry have not seen her
Sarah Falvey - RySG:stephanie is going to be a few late...she is stuck in horrible traffic
Donna Austin, RySG:Thanks Sarah
Kurt Pritz:I have a question about Group A and the SLAs?
Kurt Pritz:Maybe we can go back after you are done with this topic
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Can take that as a sidebar?
Kurt Pritz:what does that mean?
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Private chat in here
Stephanie Duchesneau (RySG):i have joined - sorry to be so late
Donna Austin, RySG:no worries Stephanie
Donna Austin, RySG:I share the same concerns about the CSC becoming mediators.
Sarah Falvey - RySG:as do I
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:+1
staffan Jonson:In absense of knowledge we have to write assumptions that there is an MRT, etc.
Donna Austin, RySG:It's not clear to me how the DT-A requirements work. I have assumed it would be negotiated between the CSC and IANA.
staffan Jonson:Martin; so let's propose an MRT within our remit?
Donna Austin, RySG:@Staffan: there was also mention of a community council coming out of the CCWG work that could be an escalation point.
Martin Boyle, Nominet:@Staffan: I'd rather not!
staffan Jonson::-)
Sarah Falvey - RySG:Agree with Martin :)
Martin Boyle, Nominet:MRT starts to be at the level of the CCWG's work
Stephanie Duchesneau (RySG):can you hear?
staffan Jonson:no
Stephanie Duchesneau (RySG):ok i am going to have to dial in
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:ccnso charter may have many good bits in it for a charter for the CSC
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:in the Bylaws
Stephanie Duchesneau (RySG):i am in now through the phone bridge
Berry Cobb:The PDF is from the Google doc, but does not show the track changes. You all have scroll control.
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:+1 Donna - VERY big job
Martin Boyle, Nominet:@Sarah: +1 (dare I say?)
Sarah Falvey - RySG:You took all of my good points! :)
staffan Jonson:+1 Sarah
Stephanie Duchesneau (RySG):i have included language to that effect
Stephanie Duchesneau (RySG):Members and liaisons would be appointed by the relevant communities, through their internal processes. ccTLD and gTLD representatives would be appointed by the CCNSO and Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG), respectively, with the understanding that expressions of interest would be considered from registry operators that did not participate within these groups.
Stephanie Duchesneau (RySG):also: Both CSC members and liaison should be identified by possession of relevant experience, knowledge, and expertise and will be expected to “add value” to CSC discussions and activities.
Stephanie Duchesneau (RySG):we may want to strengthen the latter by allowing the CSC to make an actual determination of whether members/liaisons possess such expertise
Donna Austin, RySG:Can someone in the group take a stab at what 'expertise' would be required to be on the CSC?
staffan Jonson:Martin: Your thought is amusing, but that's exactly why they're liasons, and not members
staffan Jonson:Liason role ccording to me is only the right to be in the room, i.e. defensive role
Martin Boyle, Nominet:@Staffan: can't they raise concerns from their constiuencies?
staffan Jonson:We'll probably in an informal way, yes, but not necessary in a formal way. That would preferrably be in an MRT (or similar)
staffan Jonson:I need to go very soon
Martin Boyle, Nominet:Hard stop in 3 minutes, I see!
Martin Boyle, Nominet:yup
Sarah Falvey - RySG:YES!
Martin Boyle, Nominet:bye bye weekend
staffan Jonson:Thank You all!
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Ciao
staffan Jonson:Bye
Sarah Falvey - RySG:thanks Donna!
Kim Davies:cheers
Martin Boyle, Nominet:bye, thanks Donna