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Sub-Group Members:   Donna Austin, Kurt Pritz, Martin Boyle, Sarah Falvey, Staffan Jonson, Stephanie Duchesneau

Staff:  Barry Cobb, Bart Boswinkel, Bernie Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Kim Davies


**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**



The Adobe Connect recording is available here:

The audio recording is available here:  

Proposed Agenda:


Action Items

Documents Presented

Chat Transcript

Brenda Brewer:Welcome to the DTC Meeting on 20 March.

  Brenda Brewer:Loud and Clear Bernie!


  B:how does one change their name?

  Brenda Brewer:I don't know...let me see if I can figure out.

  Bernard Turcotte - Staff:got it

  Brenda Brewer::)

  Donna Austin, RySG:Hi all, just dialling in

  Staffan Jonson:Hi All

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:Hi all

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:fine by me

  Bart Boswinkel:It is scrollable

  Donna Austin, RySG:Does everyone have the other doc I sent overnight?

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:I have them both!

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:clarity on what is actually done from Kim, please!

  Kurt 2:Could everyone please mute

  Kurt 2:What Martin is recommending is essentially maintaining the status quo; if Martin's opinion is challenged our position should be that we should seek to maintaint the status quo  in every case where possible

  Kurt 2:Even in authorization, the authorization function verifies that IANA follows it processes and does not get into the content of the redelegation request

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:@Kurt:  I like status quo for starting point for most things

  Sarah Falvey - RySG:+! to Kurt

  Sarah Falvey - RySG:+1

  Kim Davies:Suggested tweaked wording for 1 and 2>

  Kim Davies:1. Changes an appointed registry makes:        1.1 Changes to the root zone file (technical changes published in the DNS)        1.2 Changes to the root zone database (updates to technical and contact data        published on the IANA website and via WHOIS protocols)2. Changes of registry appointments (i.e. delegation of new TLDs, transfer of existing   TLDs, removing delegation of existing TLDs)

  Sarah Falvey - RySG:would we want the CSC to do this?

  Donna Austin, RySG:@Sarah - I don't think so

  Kurt 2:Sanctions = a monetary fine?

  Donna Austin, RySG:I thought there was a group dealing with OFAC stuff

  Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):i  thought so too

  Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):if not it makes sense to me as a separate DT

  Kim Davies:The CSC may have an interest in knowing about this issue insofar as it is impacting the IANA's operators ability to do its work, rather than be involved in the specifics of the process

  Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):placeholder it for now

  Sarah Falvey - RySG:as we say in the ITU - bracket that text :)

  Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):taking our processes from ITU now...suspect ;)

  Bart Boswinkel:Ther e si sDT OFAC, but has lower priority

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:agree

  Sarah Falvey - RySG:ok that makes sense

  Sarah Falvey - RySG:thanks

  Kurt 2:I don't know why my mic isn't working

  Kurt 2:I think one of the more improtant roles is adapting to change: SLAs will change, the ecalation processes wil lhave to be tested and revamped and so on. We should make an accomodation to change all these things. I think the CSC role in adapting to change is just as important as the monitoring role

  Martin Boyle, has its own DT

  Sarah Falvey - RySG:I think another group is dealing with these issues, no?

  Donna Austin, RySG:Agree Kurt

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:Agree Kurt, but I would want this to be a wider discussion.  Not just a CSC discussion and decision

  Donna Austin, RySG:Agree with Bernie, we should capture to make sure it does not fall throught the cracks.

  Kurt 2:the CSC would be the vehicle for changing SLAs - getting input for TLDs and negotiating with IANA

  Kurt 2:my mic is broke

  Sarah Falvey - RySG:Agree with Donna

  Kurt:ready to go

  Donna Austin, RySG:Let's get Kurt to speak to this point now and then we can come back to my doc

  Bernard Turcotte - Staff:@Kurt +1

  Bart Boswinkel:Scrollable

  Kurt:first line is perfect

  Kurt:"Responsible for monitoring performance"

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:nice one Kurt

  Bernard Turcotte - Staff:item B OVERSIGHT of the performance of the IANA naming functions

  Bart Boswinkel:@ Stephanie lowerd your hand, please rasie again

  Bart Boswinkel:if needed

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:agree Stephaie

  Kurt:EVERYTHING will evolve over time

  Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):•     E The CSC will engage with IANA, the direct customers of the IANA naming function, and the ICANN community to discuss emerging technologies and issues that might impact the provision of IANA services. •     F The CSC shall hold an annual meeting with the IANA Functions Operator, the direct customers of the IANA Naming Functions, and the ICANN community to discuss the performance of the IANA Naming functions and any changes to the services that are underway or forthcoming.

  Kim Davies:Our experience is anyone can be an initial point of contact, we can't control that :)

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:sort things out bilaterally is always best

  Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):i would also like to bullet out what we want as "placeholders"

  Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):then i can draft those and recirculate

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:agree bernie

  Kurt:1) Why is SSAC a member? What is role?

  Kim Davies:If the scope is determined to include non-root functions (.INT etc.), it is worth considering how those communities would find the composition.

  Kurt:2) Also mention that the CSC will consult with the TLD community as needed

  Sarah Falvey - RySG:I think having an SSAC liasion makes sense

  Sarah Falvey - RySG:to the extend that that group is proving broader security guidance it makes sense to be kept appraised of that (I am thinking about when things like DNSSEC rolled out, etc.)

  Donna Austin, RySG:Sorry everyone, I just lost voice. I need to dial back in

  Donna Austin, RySG:Bernie then Kurt

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:RSSAC &SSAC as liaisons would be best

  Donna Austin, RySG:i'm back

  Donna Austin, RySG:sorry i missed most of this discussion

  Kurt:If Martin doesn't like this, maybe we can adjust it to say that Bylaws will be written governing CSC operations, confguration, etc

  Kurt:...and how changes are made going forward

  Kurt:No more liaisons

  Kurt:you will never get rid of them

  Kurt:just make a mechanism for adding them

  Bart Boswinkel:@ Stepanie, Donna old hands?

  Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):I suggest an additional bullet: The CSC shall facilitate public comment periods and other community participation opportunities in the event that changes are proposed that would affect oversight of the IANA Naming Functions.

  Staffan Jonson:Kurt:"you will never get rid of them" :-D

  Bernard Turcotte - Staff:+1

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:Stephanie +1

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:I do not promise to read anything this evening!

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:I'll look on Sunday

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:+1 Donna

  Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):i think for now we should just be circulating this overview document

  Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):keep the google doc in our back pocket and build it out as we discuss in istanbul

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:use overview as our key doc to Istanbul

  Bernard Turcotte - Staff:@Donna +1

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:I'll be in Istanbul

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:For the CCWG

  Donna Austin, RySG:Thanks Bart, it's a good suggestion.

  Brenda Brewer:I will send Doodle for Monday call.

  Martin Boyle, Nominet:thanks all & bye:  see you next week!

  Bernard Turcotte - Staff:bye

  Kim Davies:Cheers