Members: Avri Doria, Donna Austin, Eduardo Diaz, Elise Lindeberg, Graeme Bunton, Greg Shatan, Jaap Akkerhuis, Jonathan Robinson, Lise Fuhr, Maarten Simon, Manal Ismail, Mark Carvell, Martin Boyle, Matthew Shears, Olivier Crepin-LeBlond, Paul Kane, Seun Ojedeji, Staffan Jonson,
Participants: Alan Greenberg, Allan MacGillivray, Andrew Sullivan, Carolina Aguerre, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Christopher Wilkinson, Chuck Gomes, Desiree Miloshevic, Gary Hunt, John Poole, Paul Szyndler, Peter Van Roste, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Stephanie Duchesneau, Suzanne Woolf, Tomohiro Fujisaki, Wale Bakare, Yasuichi Kitamura
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Bernard Turcotte, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Proposed Agenda:
Chuck Gomes on audio only
1. Opening Remarks
- 22nd meeting -- wow!
- 2 proposals have been submitted to ICG
- Need to make (and be seen to make) progress towards a proposal
- Wednesday session at ICANN52
- Thursday session went into more substance
- Overall we committed to a refreshed approach
- Meetings will be focused on committees of the whole as well as task forces meetings
- Measure your participation by joining two meetings per week if possible
2. Processing ICANN52
- Staff has pulled feedback from transcripts. Meant as reference point for the work moving forward.
- Link to Google Doc is here:
- Berry has taken the feedback doc one step further by focusing in on the Q&A session in an attempt to analyze feedback
- Feedback will be accepted through the end of the week either via CWG member/participant or through staff (Grace).
- Yes, written responses should be added
- Yes, reminders should be sent out
- Extended deadline to 18:00 UTC on Monday 23 February
- Input should be representative of members' organizations where possible (clarification otherwise)
- Made the questions available for broad input (including SO/ACs). Views are not required per se, but welcome.
Action: members should send reminders to their communities (participants may do so as well). Note extended deadline to 18:00 UTC on Monday 23 February. Reference announcement:
Action: Berry will make a full table of all the answers to questions after Monday
3. Work of Client Committee / Legal Advice
- Another Client Committee call planned for tomorrow
- 6 firms on shortlist but at least one may drop off due to conflict of interest
- Will need to discuss how to manage relationships between CWG, CCWG and ICANN
- Greg has been participating in the CCWG legal group so that there is coordination and possibly a joint decision on a firm
- Conflict of interest rules are standards ethics rules. Examples include a law firm that represents a counterparty to an
- ICANN suit. Most law firms have a specialist lawyer who determines conflict for the firm.
- Will have advice by F2F, but perhaps not full fledged report.
4. Work Methods
- Objective is to make progress while waiting for legal advice
- Task Forces should be small groups of qualified people (relevant expertise + time to commit)
- Two options for task force "membership"
- a)- allow non-CWG people to join but Task Forces should be lead by CWG participant/members (majority should be CWG)
- b)- require joining as participant even though we recognize that they will not participate fully
- Suggestion that non CWG submit SOIs for participation
- Willing to have calls twice per week (24 respondents -- 20 in favor and 4 against)
- 2 calls per week in addition to any Task Force work
Action: Staff to look at rotating timezones for the calls (at the very least accommodating members)
5. Task Forces/ Design Teams
- Guidelines presented by Bernard Turcotte
- These need to be manageable, small groups, that don't absorb all resources into one group.
- Use the word Design Team (IETF style) moving forward
- Any given DT should be linked to the Proposal so that the relevance to the work is clear
- Start with clean slate for proposed DTs
- The ability to separate (worst case scenario) is not the sole subject of this proposal
Action: Bernie to do comprehensive review of documents and to use new terminology (Design Teams)
Action: All to propose tightly specified DTs on CWG list and start to build those out with leads
6. Future Work
- Meeting schedule was addressed earlier in the call.
- Timeline will be adjusted as we settle into DT work (no more RFP subgroup bars)
- F2F dates were arranged around project plan -- 26-27 March
7. CCWG-Accountability
- Chairs have coordination call on Friday
8. Review of Action Items
Action: members should send reminders to their communities (participants may do so as well). Note extended deadline to 18:00 UTC on Monday 23 February. Reference announcement:
Action: Berry will make a full table of all the answers to questions after Monday
Action: Staff to look at rotating timezones for the calls (at the very least accommodating members) Action: Bernie to do comprehensive review of documents and to use new terminology (Design Teams)
Action: All to propose tightly specified DTs on CWG list and start to build those out with leads
Action: Bernie to produce backbone Proposal document
Action: Martin/Lise to finalize Principles document within next two weeks
9. AOB
- F2F location has not yet been finalized
- Avri raises "integrated model" and notes that comments are still open
Action Items
Action: members should send reminders to their communities (participants may do so as well). Note extended deadline to 18:00 UTC on Monday 23 February. Reference
Action: Berry will make a full table of all the answers to questions after Monday
Action: Staff to look at rotating timezones for the calls (at the very least accommodating members)
Action: Bernie to do comprehensive review of documents and to use new terminology (Design Teams)
Action: All to propose tightly specified DTs on CWG list and start to build those out with leads
Action: Bernie to produce backbone Proposal document
Action: Martin/Lise to finalize Principles document within next two weeks
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript