- Basic agreements section: First section document as presented
- Note: delegation - re-delegation ccTLD sensitive area. Specifics are outside scope of this WG. Agreed by ccTLD members and participants on the CWG Agreed by ccTLD members and participants
on the CWG - Martin Boyle (MB): How could an IAP without proper understanding of national situation, could make a sound decision. Brings in third party. Important
part is bringing people togetherImportant part is bringing people together, to support the final outcome of the process. - If no substantial support for steps in the process, could be
-> IAP role: was process followed and was documentation available
- Paul Kane: a gTLD has a contract, appeal process may be needed, to check whether contract has been applied properly.
- For ccTLD this is different: diverse of community, no relation with ICANN.
- GS, Appealing decision of court in a jurisdictions is out of scope of IAP.
- PK: Appeal process may make process complicated
- Alan Greenberg: ccTLDs present at the meeting suggested IAP. Topic IAP in delegation and re-delegation of ccTLD matters, not to be discussed in this group not to be
discussed in this group. - Staffan Jonson: Diversity of ccTLDs , brings complexity. IANA Function operator should not get involved in national disputes
- MB: Could see a role for IAP, but not as evolved in the discussion. This role to be limited to process issues
- Other case where Registry makes a mistake, is potentially re-delegated may want to appeal
- Jonathan Robinson: Keep trail simple an delimited to IANA Function, where after the CCWG may step in.
AG: Remit of CWG should point to applicable approved policies. Re-delegation done under contract. Contracts include an arbitration clause. More
More important to focus on first point
AG: Review process of process is around Board decisions. Re-delegation gTLD ruled by contract. Main point: If IAP was introduced mistakenly, allow it to be withdrawn
allow it to be withdrawn.
Suggestion GS: further need, scope of IAP among gTLD related part of CWG, in particular Grounds for appeal
Steve Crocker:It's indeed vital there be reliable, trasnparent processes for making the delegation and redelegation decisions, and there needs to a proper
venue for these decisions, but it's fundamental that these are not within the scope of the IANA function. The IANA function is to publish informaton that has been created/decided elsewhere.