What will happen if ICANN becomes insolvent as a result of court judgement?
Avri Doria: Notion of association could be incorporated. The delegates could be on the Board of Trustee.
Notion of association being incorporated. Appreciation of model
AG: Rules around Trust are enforceable by court. Does not understand difference between "internal" and external" trust
GS: "external trust": MS will contract with ICANN to perform IANA Function
"internal" trust , no contract in place
AG: in Auda proposal ( internal trust). Guardian , same role as "board of trustee" in external trust model -> MRT
John Poole: CSC, MRT, IAP all could be moved internal, or external What is only replaced is role of NTIA, through external trust. Relationship do not change, Terms of Trust rule the board of trustees and relation ruled through the trust, under jurisdiction of state trust is set-up.
Final remarks: large parallel between MRT and Board of Trustees (external).
Next call: RFP 3 21.00 UTC Monday 02 Feb (Final call before Singapore)
GS: suggestions how to use this call?
Action Items
Request/Action: ccTLD members and participants CWG to come up with a consistent position on IAP, re it scope, mandate, Grounds for Appeal
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p7xegeicez5/