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Purpose of Sub-working group

Develop alternate proprosal proposal to "Franfurt Frankfurt Proposal"


Approach to taks at to task at hand 

Relationship to RFP 3

Convenient to ue use same terminology, however be mindful of evolution. Comment, MRT could be like a new Supporitng Supporting Organization. IANA function to be overseen by similar committee like curent current Nominating Committee. 


Start with alternative for Contract Co.


  1. What mechanism should be in place
  2. lack of clarity around what IANA Function is.  IAAN IANA Function is clerical function. Not policy decision. Decision to make delegation or redelgation re-delegation is outside. This is tool to make 
  3. lack of clarity of what seperationseparation. Decision to make what goes into root zone are made by ICANN, is it meaningful if clerical is outside 
  4. what are criteria to make judgement of seperationseparation


Question what is minimal proposal to male this work

Interterpretation Interpretation of IANA Function Contract: (Intended) Clear seperation separation between policy decision and clerical action 


  • Judgement within policy
  • Decision on Amozon Amazon or Vine are policy decision ( value decision). IANA porcess process after decisions. 
  • Independence from the Board: there should be some group that has unfettered access to function, alternate to nomComNomCom, root signing process. Group could be CSC like. 
  • Seperation Separation discussion is revisti revisit of discussion 15 years ago. Signal for ICANN Board to look into calls for seperationseparation
  • Need for clean and clear distinction between policy and execution/operation. Policy defintion definition is blurred band blurs dicussiondiscussion. Start with clear defintion definition of IANA FuctionFunction.
  • Focus discussion on ALAC and Auda propsoal proposal as starting point ( one variant)
  • Comment Becky: IAP and other items are reflection of not getting at policy execution and not at operations on the other hand. Focusing on operations is starting point.
  • Comment AG on ALAC proposal: need for more details are needed to meet requirement of RFP 3 requred required by ICG. ALAC  ALAC proposal principles far more important then details 


What should be focus of RFP 3b3B

  • Greg Shatan, coordinator RFP 3: Focusing on alternate approach without Contract Co, may ultimately change way how MRT and CSC are viewed. By focusing on all directly would slow down process overall. 
  • Suggestion is to focus first on alternate for Contract Co and contract. Short term viable discussion on alternate of Contract Co.
  • Steve Crocker: Is focus on non-contracting co?  this will not address core of the problem
  • Greg shatanShatan: start agasin again with functional discussion. Structure folows follows function
  • Start of functional analysis: After understanding what IAN Functions are: detemine determine specific risks/issues.( what if IANA does not follow instruction) or does not perform well, then look for mitigating measures.


  • Issue is where an by whom will be examination be done. RFP 4 should do stress stest test and understand ramifications. Purpose of RFP 3b 3B is to build proposal that is build aournd around alternative proposal RFP 3b3B. Functional analysis includes 3 aspects: clar about IANA Function , role of NTIA in relation to IAN Function and functional alternate to Contract Co


Current naming function operation done well. Naming function, is narrow this focuses approach. Contract Co  approach is too broad. "Nuclear option", although caues causes may be highly unlikley unlikely they should be developed. Analogy an dprinciple and principle are similar to relation betweeen between Auda and Austalian Australian government. Sugested Suggested approach soemthing something like "golden bylaw" Defintion Definition of power

Singular difference: a single government overseeing. This differnce difference should drive to a differnt different type of solution. 

Resolve issue what is discussed in one group or another


No single government argument

Focus must be actual fucntions functions and incentive to make it work, and reduce the risk of capture to capturing it.


 Specific reason for creation of this group: come up with a proposal without contract Co an dcontractand contract. as alternative 

 Next call to accomodate accommodate those whose who are in Frankfurt
