RFP5 meeting of the CWG-Stewardship - Wednesday January 7th 2015 from 21:00 – 22:00 UTC
Time zone converter here | Adobe Connect: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/cwg-stewardship/
Subgroup Members: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Avi Doria, Mary Uduma, Jaap Akkerhuis, Steve Crocker
Staff: Berry Cobb, Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Marika Konings
Apologies: Yasuichi Kitamura
**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Draft Agenda
0. All WT Members are expected to have reviewed our last call on Dec 30th; the notes, recording, and chat transcript are available on the meeting page here: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51415528
1. Welcome; Attendance and Apologies (3-5 mins)
including noting and introduction any new members joining the RFP-5-WT
Standing Item => Member SOI Continuous Disclosure => If needed please update your SOI
2. Review of Action items from last call (5-10 mins)
Below is a summary of the action items:
IN PROGRESS (staff): look for time during Intense week-end (on 10th and 11th) to draft RFP 5. Coordinate with co-chairs
Time slot for looking at RFP 5 questions at end of intensive work week-end,
--> Please complete Doodle poll: http://doodle.com/t7n3k4bebc5epu4g
ACTION (all): Bring forward particular points to bring in 5 requirements section.
ACTION: Put to list five skeletons items and seek volunteers to hold pen initially to the list.
COMPLETE Circulate to wider list the link to wiki page and seek feed-back
ACTION (staff) for next call: display wiki page during the (CWG and RFP-5) call(s)
ACTION: seek additional assistance from ccTLD and gTLD reps to provide input and assistance to prepare response
ACTION: start drafting (text and table) that can act as checklist – tool on Wiki available here: https://community.icann.org/x/aoQQAw.
Staff and coordinator only worked on page. Participants of RFP 5 group are invited to add material. If changes are made, annotate with initials, please do not delete, but use square brackets etc.,, to ensure track changes.
Current text is based on ICG RFP 5 and refers to NTIA requirements
3. Update from RFP-3&4 activities @Avri Doria (5- 10 mins)
4. Discussion and input into section 5 drafting (25-30mins) see Drafting Wiki Page To be displayed during this meeting and the CWG one this week.
Discussion points re input into section 5 drafting
Plan for using output during Intensive week-end to start real work. Assignment of pen holders and specific RFP-5 rapporteur (s?) for Intensive Work W'end
Update on proposal to look at RFP 5 questions at end of week-end with whole CWG,
ACTION (all): Any points brought forward to contribute to drafting of the TEXT (expanded/annotation) for the 5 requirements section.
Allocation / Call for owners for each of the sections
From ACTION: Put to list five skeletons items and seek volunteers to hold pen initially. and circulate to wider list the link to wiki page and seek feed-back on list and in next CWG Meeting in prep for Intensive Work W'end input.
Update on Drafting for 'political sensitive' section on NTIA Requirement #5=> non-governmental or Government led replacement of oversight mechanism.
5. AOB (3-5 min)
6. Review any Action Items (5mins)
7. Next call(s) (3-5mins)
Update on opportunities for RFP-5 WT meeting time during Intensive Work W'end.
Update - Doodle outcome for 2 hr call in Week of Jan 12.
Action Items
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p1bjutvxj1s/
The audio recording is available here:
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer:Welcome to the RPF5 conferece call on January 07, 2015 at 21:00 UTC.
Avri Doria:no audio support yet
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Sorry should be soon
Grace Abuhamad:I'm in Adobe, but have no audio yet since I'm still on another call
Steve Crocker:Hello, everyone
jaap akkerhuis (sas):hi all
Brenda Brewer:Audio is on.
Brenda Brewer:Cheryl, will you ay something please.
Brenda Brewer:or say something!
Marika Konings:@Brenda - we can hear Cheryl speak. Can you hear us?
Brenda Brewer:no
Brenda Brewer:fixed
Marika Konings:the meeting has started - the operator has confirmed that the recordings are on
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:audio is good
Brenda Brewer:thank you!
Steve Crocker:pre-delegation testing? Is that considered part of the IANA function or part of ICANN's adminsitration of the generic TLDs?
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Will work on this
Berry Cobb:@Steve - Chucks Repsonse: Berry,To my knowledge I do not think there is any existing documentation for gTLD delegations. I am sure the gTLD registry operators would have a lot to say about pre-delegation testing but that is not an IANA functions but rather a prerequisite to the IANA functions kicking in. We could do a simple survey of gTLD registry experiences with IANA services and I will discuss this with our RySG team supporting the IANA-CWG.Chuck
Steve Crocker:@Berry - Thanks. That matches what I expected.
Grace Abuhamad:I just joined!
Avri Doria:where is this on the wiki?
Marika Konings:https://community.icann.org/display/gnsocwgdtstwrdshp/CWG-RFP5+-+Draft
Avri Doria:becasue i dont find it listed in on the main page for rfp5
Avri Doria:thanks
Grace Abuhamad:It's a sub page
Grace Abuhamad:But I will put a big link to it from main page
Avri Doria:it is in the tree. but then i have to recognize the name.
Grace Abuhamad:thanks Avri
Grace Abuhamad:I'll edit the Wiki now
Grace Abuhamad:good feedback
Marika Konings:It should be a child page of the RFP5 page now
Grace Abuhamad:Yes, I sent direct link to full CWG
Avri Doria:probably my own bad habit. i start at the wiki page and only go back to email if i can't find it easily from the wiki page.
Grace Abuhamad:I did!
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:have a good one!
Grace Abuhamad:Does that work Avri?
Steve Crocker:Nicely done!
jaap akkerhuis (sas):bye all
Avri Doria:Beautifully. no way to be blind with that. thanks
Grace Abuhamad::)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Thanks ALL!!
Draft Agenda
- ACTION (staff): look for time during Intense week-end (on 10th and 11th) to draft RFP 5. Coordinate with co-chairs
- Time slot for looking at RFP 5 questions at end of intensive work week-end,
- ACTION (all): Bring forward particular points to bring in 5 requirements section.
- ACTION: Put to list five skeletons items and seek volunteers to hold pen initially to the list.
- ACTION (all): Bring forward particular points to bring in 5 requirements section.
- ACTION: Circulate to wider list the link to wiki page and seek feed-back
- ACTION (staff) for next call: display wiki page during the (CWG and RFP-5) call(s)
- ACTION: seek additional assistance from ccTLD and gTLD reps to provide input and assistance to prepare response
- ACTION: start drafting (text and table) that can act as checklist – tool on Wiki available here: https://community.icann.org/x/aoQQAw.
- Staff and coordinator only worked on page. Participants of RFP 5 group are invited to add material. If changes are made, annotate with initials, please do not delete, but use square brackets etc.,, to ensure track changes.
- Current text is based on ICG RFP 5 and refers to NTIA requirements
3. Update from RFP-3&4 activities @Avri Doria (5- 10 mins)
Discussion points re input into section 5 drafting
- Plan for using output during Intensive week-end to start real work. Assignment of pen holders and specific RFP-5 rapporteur (s?) for Intensive Work W'end
- Update on proposal to look at RFP 5 questions at end of week-end with whole CWG,
- ACTION (all): Any points brought forward to contribute to drafting of the TEXT (expanded/annotation) for the 5 requirements section.
- Allocation / Call for owners for each of the sections
- From ACTION: Put to list five skeletons items and seek volunteers to hold pen initially. and circulate to wider list the link to wiki page and seek feed-back on list and in next CWG Meeting in prep for Intensive Work W'end input.
- Allocation / Call for owners for each of the sections
- Update on Drafting for 'political sensitive' section on NTIA Requirement #5=> non-governmental or Government led replacement of oversight mechanism.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- Update on opportunities for RFP-5 WT meeting time during Intensive Work W'end.
- Update - Doodle outcome for 2 hr call in Week of Jan 12.